Feels like I'm takin the **** now, but I'm currently sat on the side of the m61 by rivington services with a suspected fuelling fault, motor ticks over, albeit roughy but won't take any revs at all. Filled up with 85 quids worth of diesel at tescos before so could be crap in the fuel, anyone free to give me a hand in Manchester tomoro if I need it? An if anyone wants to take the **** I'm on channel 21 fm
Feels like I'm takin the **** now, but I'm currently sat on the side of the m61 by rivington services with a suspected fuelling fault, motor ticks over, albeit roughy but won't take any revs at all. Filled up with 85 quids worth of diesel at tescos before so could be crap in the fuel, anyone free to give me a hand in Manchester tomoro if I need it? An if anyone wants to take the **** I'm on channel 21 fm

Sure you used the correct fuel?
Any smell of doozle from where you ain't sposed to smell it - like tha engine box?!?

Check hoses first - if you smells owt.
Depend on where you is in't country old chap.

I'm in South Wales a mere 15 minutes from Bearmach/Promec and about 35 from Foundry 4x4 and if none of thems available a few chaps who break 'em are localish.

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