
New Member
My car over the past couple of weeks has started missing when slowing down under engine braking, only slightly but just enough to notice. Also this morning my HDC light has come on (amber) any ideas would be much appreciated.
You need to get yourself a ODB plug and a suitable app for your phone to communicate with it. You can then read off the error codes generated. Or even a dedicated hardware device that’ll do the same. Once you’ve got some codes a Google session will point you in the general direction of the issue.
I don't think any generic/cheap ODBII dongle will read the ABS ECU to find the HDC fault, and I'm not sure they will read a 2001 K Series ECU either.

When I've needed the fault codes read on my '99 L Series I take the car to my local LR Indie garage and they scan it for a few bucks.

You can also get LR/Freelander specific readers like the iCarsoft (or who ever they are called these days) or pscan - there are threads on here discussing the options - don't go by old threads though as things change over time.

You can also consult the Rave Workshop Manual. In there there is a table showing what the possible faults are given the combination of ABS/TC/HDC warning lights.

Info on downloading it here...
You need to get yourself a ODB plug and a suitable app for your phone to communicate with it. You can then read off the error codes generated. Or even a dedicated hardware device that’ll do the same. Once you’ve got some codes a Google session will point you in the general direction of the issue.
You know you replied to an 18 year old thread? I suspect the OP doesn't have the vehicle now as he's not been on the forum for over 18 years. ;)
You know you replied to an 18 year old thread? I suspect the OP doesn't have the vehicle now as he's not been on the forum for over 18 years. ;)
lol, I suppose the "don't go by old threads though as things change over time" is quite apt!

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