
Well-Known Member
Was happily wiring in some new accessory sockets in boot this afternoon, working from rear towards front. When I reached the front and removed the trim around base of seat noticed carpet was wet:eek:, as was the channel along sills where loom sits:eek::eek:. Traced damp up to under dash so it's gotta be the heater matrix or hopefully just the o-rings. Also very small damp patch under car. I was working in same area only a couple of days ago so hasn't been leaking long.

Question is which is it more likely to be, given that I don't really want to have to strip it down twice if I go for just rings and then find it's matrix instead, likewise I don't wanna splash out on needless new matrix just in case? It's a '98, and I already had to replace radiator last summer, so if I take that as an indicator of the condition of the rest of the system, I'm guessing its more likely the whole matrix?
Just a thought further to above.... is there any reason why I couldn't bypass the heater matrix by joining the feed and return pipes before they pass through the bulkhead in the engine bay, which shouldn't interupt the coolent flow, although it would result in a bit less coolent in the system? That would keep me running and give me time to strip it and find exact cause of leak.
do it- as long as it does not rub out or leak it will be fine, only thing that may behave oddly is hevc as no water flowing past matrix sensor
If you remove the lower trim on the centre console, beside your left foot [i take its RHD] you should be able to see if its the heater o-rings ,ten minute job but atleast you'll know if its leaking.
As for the damp patch under the car it could be the hevac/aircon drains just getting rid of excess fluid,theres 2 no of them 1 each side off transmission.
Hope this helps.
Cheers DM68, I'll have a peek under dash in morning. Don't think water was from aircon, car had been parked up for hours and was just one small puddle (2" or so) on drivers side
Cheers DM68, I'll have a peek under dash in morning. Don't think water was from aircon, car had been parked up for hours and was just one small puddle (2" or so) on drivers side

Could still be aircon drains if they are partially blocked, that might also account for the damp in the car. Easier to fix as a first step than starting on the O rings and matrix:D
On closer inspection it's defo coolant, unless someone's letting their dog **** in there:eek:, cause it's luminous yellow and sticky.
It worked! So just in case anyone else finds themselves with a leaking heater or even just the o-rings and needs to keep their diesel P38 running here's the fix.

Emergency Heater Bypass for P38 Diesel.

The only tool or part required is a large pair of pliers to remove the pipe clips. (I did try mole grips and a pipe wrench but because of the limited access the jaws of whatever you use need to be straight in line with the handles, not at an angle)

(Ensuring the system is cool of course!)

Remove short single return hose from heater (righthand one) at both ends.

Release top end of heater feed hose and refit to the pipe where you've just removed the bottom of the short hose.

Now refill and bleed system as neccessary and off you go! Simples!
If the cooling system has anti freeze in it then the puddle in the footwell will be anti freeze if it is coming from the heater rad

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