
Hi all
There are a couple of heater matrix styles mine is the pipes pointing down style what I would like to know is is the straight pipe outlet style phisicaly the same size as it would route the pipes in my 110 200tdi a lot better if I can do a straight matrix swop ?
Yes, got one in mine and weirdly it gives out a bit more heat but I could be imagining it.
I took it out so I could paint the housing up. I believe it can be done in situ and removing the bonnet will help loads.
If, when you remove the matrix, the sealing foam is all shot, fix it with foam camping mat. You want all the air from the fan to go through the matrix not escape round the sides or out gaps in the casing. It's surprising where air can leak out (where the pipes exit is an obvious one) and what a difference it makes to the heater when it's sealed up properly.

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