
Well-Known Member
Does anyone know the best way to get mastik type stuff fromm middle off chequer plate and tiop of wing? Bin doin' ma nut in!!!!!!! got stuff from edges ok with screwdriver and stanley blade, but thur's strips off the bloody stuff down the middle:mad: 1st wing wus ok, no probs, but this yin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: Even tried pouring panel wipe in the gaps, but nae yis( only tried trhat 'cos it took the surplus mastik stuff off the 1st wing)
Hope sumbuddy can help, MTIA:D
Cheers guys :D
I'll see if I can get the eater today, disney matter aboot the paintwork cos the wings are getting stripped right back and resprayed.
Tried using a hacksaw blade but it kept bending and clogging up, I'll see if the missus has a cheese wire;)
Cheers again
The wings aren't on the landy yet, they wur destined for the Iranian police force but somehow managed to find themselves in my garage. :D ;)
if the hacksaws isnt working try a normal woodsaw if youve got one bigger teeth and thicker blade might do the job

re wings
now we know the truth "give us our land rover wings and you can have your sailers back":cool:
ps do you know what kind of mastic i need to stick some plate on sides of my 110 when i pick it up in a couple of weeks
Dunno what type this stuff is but it's bleeding strong!!! I'd be tempted to try a builders merchant for some kind of exterior stuff, that's what I'll be doing when get new tops.
Dunno what type this stuff is but it's bleeding strong!!! I'd be tempted to try a builders merchant for some kind of exterior stuff, that's what I'll be doing when get new tops.

Best mastic for sticking anything down is Sikkaflex I have a friend who restores the roofs on listed buildings and he uses it to stick slates together.

What he does is stripout every 5th row of slates and nail them down then in the remaining rows he uses an angle grinder to cut a slot through the remaining slates and halfway into the bottom slate. then he fills the slot with sikka flex. and he's never had to go back and replace a slipped slate.
do you know where i can get some i was going to use gripfill as im a joiner to trade and it sticks just bout any thing but not sure how it is with metal
Got the bugger off!!!:D It took a wee while but managed with a wood saw. Only problem is the cut marks on the top of the wing, but i'll just cover them with more plate.
Had a look at the sillicone eater and it says not to use on alluminium, so I didnae:D
time u rub them down prime + paint u wont see cut marks

screwfix have shops now for impatient folks who dont like waiting a day theres one near me in edinburgh dont know where nearest one to dumfries is but there opening everywhere

also if your putting bigger plates on try phoning your local sheet metal works i got 8x4 sheet 3mm thick for 40 +vat and im macking own plates far cheaper than buying and you can make sizes and shapes to suit
do you know where i can get some i was going to use gripfill as im a joiner to trade and it sticks just bout any thing but not sure how it is with metal

this is their website but Any ships chandlers or marine supplier will stock it Boat owners swear by it as it sets under water. In fact water makes it stronger.
time u rub them down prime + paint u wont see cut marks

also if your putting bigger plates on try phoning your local sheet metal works i got 8x4 sheet 3mm thick for 40 +vat and im macking own plates far cheaper than buying and you can make sizes and shapes to suit

Cheers fur the tip, might just do that when the time comes:D
im starting to cut mine in the next week or so for when pick up new vehicle:D (be sorry to give 90 back to work:( ive spent more time with it than the wife )its going to be a family car/van/camper/4x4 ambitious or what
ill let you know how i get on with cutting my own
as this is my first project no doubt ill be photo happy so ill post some pics
Let us ken how ye get on cuttin' and bendin' the chequer plate and whit ye use tae dae it. Ah huvnae got that far yet.
Primed the wings yesterday and that was a bit o' a disaster:mad: Turned oot like sand paper!!!!
took the 110 fur a kinda pre MOT and turns oot I need an outrigger (bulkhead), Sum bushes, cos I haven't any on the front!!!!!! Dunno aboot the back yins. Bin patchin' up the bulkhead the night, That wus fun:rolleyes: Jist got tae spray it the morn and that;s anither thing oot o' the way:D
The joys:rolleyes: :D
If you're sure you don't want it to come back off - try Evostick 'Serious Stuff'.

I stuck an 8 foot weather board to the outside of a house with that and didn't even need to wedge it while the glue set - awesome stuff!
Let us ken how ye get on cuttin' and bendin' the chequer plate and whit ye use tae dae it. Ah huvnae got that far yet.
Primed the wings yesterday and that was a bit o' a disaster:mad: Turned oot like sand paper!!!!
took the 110 fur a kinda pre MOT and turns oot I need an outrigger (bulkhead), Sum bushes, cos I haven't any on the front!!!!!! Dunno aboot the back yins. Bin patchin' up the bulkhead the night, That wus fun:rolleyes: Jist got tae spray it the morn and that;s anither thing oot o' the way:D
The joys:rolleyes: :D

i have to cut it quite often at work (seems to be fasionable at the moment in coffe shops etc) i cut it roughly to shape using either a jigsaw with stainless steel cutting blades or a grinder with a sliter blade then file them down the last bit asfor bending them ive made a wooden jig but havent tried it yet when i do ill let you knoe if it works and post some pics
working in london for next 2 weeks so itll be when i get back to gods country

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