Engine gases seem to be exiting the round CDV. Took the valve off to see if oil still chucked out of oil cap - and it was. It’s literally being thrown out. Outside chance tcap has just failed though I can’t see why as the seal is still present, not cracked and snug fit. Getting new cap tomorrow. If that doesn’t work can cover off.
Engine gases seem to be exiting the round CDV. Took the valve off to see if oil still chucked out of oil cap - and it was. It’s literally being thrown out. Outside chance tcap has just failed though I can’t see why as the seal is still present, not cracked and snug fit. Getting new cap tomorrow. If that doesn’t work can cover off.
It'll throw oil out the oil filler when running as there is a camlobe below it spinning.
With the cap on and running you need to monitor the output oil/gas from the breather tube.;)
So if it’s throwing oil out the breather tube that’s bad, if it’s just smokey engine gas that ok?
I did say earlier in error. I have a bad feeling there’s excessive blow due to worn out engine. It’s done 140k.
I have one on 163K and one on 132K, neither blow out oil. Looked after the engine should be good for 250/300K.
making me think I should do mine too....

The little half-moon cutout at the back of the rocker cover is a PITA to line up when refitting. it was only afterwards that it occurerred to me that a dab of RTV glue might have been an idea.
The little half-moon cutout at the back of the rocker cover is a PITA to line up when refitting. it was only afterwards that it occurerred to me that a dab of RTV glue might have been an idea.

Yeah mate. Well aware of that little beaut :D
It is me Mr cat!! I was shouting it across the forum... If you kind of imagine it.. it sounded that way in my head...:p
How's the weather in the wirral lar?
LAR, I'm not a Scouser, ask @mozz smith ,I'm a plastic Scouser, weather ok ,rain stopped and sun out this afternoon. You hearing voices again Mark ? You can call me Alan.;)
Voices? Unfortunately I don't hear any voices.. not even my own...:p
Alan it is! I'm pretty sure we've had the name conversation before?:eek::oops:..
Hmmmm good memory:(..
Update. Thanks to all for helpful suggestions. Turns out it was the oil filler cap leaking oil out at running temperature. Four quid replacement sorted. Don’t know why the simplest of components on a P38 are the ones to randomly fail!
Update. Thanks to all for helpful suggestions. Turns out it was the oil filler cap leaking oil out at running temperature. Four quid replacement sorted. Don’t know why the simplest of components on a P38 are the ones to randomly fail!

Possibly because the oil separator in the cam cover is clogged, that has clogged the CD valve and you have pressure buildup in the crank case. Just a thought and worth a check.

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