Hi Dave, I am trying to think of a definition for the word "expert". Someone who swears a lot, "****ting" seems to be flavour of the month at the moment. Who takes things apart with little knowledge or memory of how they go back together again. Who cannot find anything that he just put down a bloody minute ago! Regretting almost immediately having taken the job on in the first place and wishing that he was back inside with a cup of tea and a copy of farmers weekly. I find that Instruction manuals are best used for standing mugs of hot tea on so they don’t leave ugly rings on my car bonnet and that it is always best practice to open all of those little plastic component bags immediately you get them, containing all those important, almost identical looking parts and thing a mi jigs and placing them all in one big container so that “you can see them properly” and that they don’t get lost.

It is however always satisfying when a job comes to a satisfactory conclusion, but I am my own worst enemy sometimes. This forum has been a god send to me. I have only just started with my Discovery, and there are tons of jobs to do. Some that need to be done, and because I like fiddling about, some will get done just for the hell of it. I hope to be able to post again, and am now looking for my next project. Think it will be my weepy power steering box. I`m told its a pig to fix! Yipeeee.

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