That was the blockage two years ago in the excact same place, the new one is practically wedged in there tight. the metal container is almost the full width of the opening, I would say you'd have to walk past it sideways with your back up tight against the bridge wall to get past it.

Problem solved then Go on a Ramblers forum and complain about it. The ramblers will complain and the council will get it shifted within 24hrs.
Thanks, I'll join up shortly and post a little message on there about it being blocked. might add me new site to the post aswell :p
I haven't mark, I'll pop down the other side of the track the next time Ii got to mums, should be sometime within the next couple of days
Email recieved Today from kents right of ways officer and the highways agency.

Dear Mr ****,

Thank you for your email regarding Broadley Road, Margate.

Your request has now been logged and allocated to the appropriate team within Kent Highway Service.

You are able to track the status of your request by clicking on the following link:

Kent Highways fault reporting

For any further communication regarding this query please quote this reference number: 17403944

Many Thanks

(Name of contact)

Telephone: 08458 247 800

--------------------Original Message--------------------
From:****** - ****** <****>
Sent: 2010/09/02 12:37:08
To: Contact Centre Highways -****<*********>
Subject: FW: Blocked Road in Margate

Apologies, for the delay in you sending the e mail below. Please can you get back to J** **** if you are aware of any work being carried out on Broadley Road in Margate? The area in question is U14205, D_Gazref HBCW.

Many thanks,


L***** ******
Area Public Rights of Way Officer
Countryside Access Service
Environment & Waste
Kent County Council
The Granary
Penstock Hall Farm
Canterbury Road
East Brabourne
Tel: 0845 3450210
Fax: 01303 813096
Explore Kent
Countryside access

From: ME
Sent: 08 August 2010 18:25
Subject: Blocked Road in Margate

Hopefully this means that this lane will be re-opened shortly If it can be used by vehicles. I am still awaiting a reply from the AROWO as to whether this byway can be driven.

Or doe's this just mean it's been dumped in a box never to be seen again?
Track an existing fault
Enquiry number: 17403944
Fault category: Road/Carriageway
Fault type: Obstruction Of Road
Street name: BROADLEY ROAD
Status: Enquiry Resolved
Logged date/time: 02 September 2010

Enter the reference number of an existing fault or enquiry to track its status.

Well, according to the track fault on the highways site the blockage has been removed or at least marked as resolved. will have to drive up there and take a look and see. must remember to take me camera with me.

If the lump of concrete is still there blocking the road what else can I do ? Take pics and send them to the ROW officer at the council and complain again ?
Had an email from the ROW officer this morning, and now know that Kent highways and KCC are not responsable for the road/lane and cannot do anything about it.

So I take it that, that means we can't legally drive on the road, Will try and get in touch with the land owner and seek their permission to use it I think.

Oh well only 2 lanes left locally now and they'll probably be illegal to use aswell as they are on the same land as broadley road.
That's the way it's going. I went to look at a lane the other day I saw when I was little and they've built houses on it.
Hi Jay,
If you haven't found out already, it's a footpath, not even a bridleway, let alone a byway. You can only legally drive on it with the owner's permission.
Please see Explore Kent GIS and zoom in to 1:10,000. The definitive maps of rights of way for Kent are held at Maidstone but this site is as up to date as you'll get without going to Maidstone. Even the latest OS maps will often be badly out of date - they concentrate on updating major roads.
I just had a quick look on 3 maps too - each one says the same thing, its a footpath. So I don't think its a case of the OS map being out-of-date, as I see it its correct, and doesn't contradict with Trailwise.

How come you thought it was a byway?

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