Hi guys.

As the title suggests, I will be making my way to France for some lovely snowboarding time in march.

1 week on the slopes and 1 week of trekking the country for its wine and cheese.
Has anyone done anything like this? Or planning this??

Possibly Morzine!
Not ever done this, but like the idea a lot. Have you got any destinations (apart from Morzine!) planned yet? What prep work are you doing to your truck?
Hi guys.

As the title suggests, I will be making my way to France for some lovely snowboarding time in march.

1 week on the slopes and 1 week of trekking the country for its wine and cheese.
Has anyone done anything like this? Or planning this??

Possibly Morzine!
We drove to Les Menuires last year (2014) - that's in Trois Vallee, just below Val Thorens. We Ferried to Calais. Trip took us just over 12 hrs door-door (from Windsor) We did it there in one shot, but split the journey coming back (just as well as I tore my shoulder when I ran a bit wide around a particularly sneaky bend and strayed into moguls at about 40 mph....)

SWMBO didn't particularly enjoy it, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. If I could afford two weeks off, I'd be keen to join you - sounds like a great trip.
I'm doing a long weekend in Austria in a couple of weeks but I'm flying. I'd love to drive as it feels like a lot less hassle than getting an entire snowboard bag (I own all my kit) and everyone that's going to the airport and across.

I doubt it'll save money because of petrol costs or time but feels a lot easier! Maybe we should organise a Landyzone convoy! Although I would have to buy a Landy first!

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