Hi I suppose "Gasket exhaust manifold" is as close as I can get. As you'll have gathered, the manifold has warped and I am about to take it off, drill out at least one broken stud, get the manif reground, maybe grind out the webbing, drill out the holes on the end port fixings to 10mm, the ones on 2 and 4 to 9 mm, rethread and find bigger bolts for the ones that might need it, modify gasket to suit, then refit the whole blasted thing and hope it stops screeching and gives me back power and improves the awful fuel economy. There are lots of things out there on the net and I am reasonably happy with how I am going to approach it, but I would just like the security of a proper engine overhaul manual, like you can get from RAVE for all the other engines. I cannot see why there is none for the TD5. What you show in the picture probably comes from the general workshop manual from the car, or does it? I think I have just downloaded it from Sierafery's site, but it is huge and had not quite finished before I started this reply. I'll let you all get back to what you were doing and post again if I get more stuck, unless you can see that I am obviously off track. To you and Sierrafery, thanks a whole bunch for helping me out.

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