
New Member
Hi over the last few months the letters page in our local paper has been full of the bobble hat brigade writing with there opinions on how all vehicles should be banned from driving the byways in and around the Peak District.

This week the paper published an article with a link to a surveyManagement of Motorised Vehicle Use in the Countryside: Your council - Derbyshire County Council on the councils website, so hears the chance to have your say

please voice your opinions by filling in the online questionnaire because you know the bobble hat mofos will!!!
done. Not likely to get very muddy up there, but there are a lot of people who like that sort of thing, and I support them if that's their thing.

Sounds wrong for some reason...

they have some good proposals, time will tell as to wether there kept though.

I didnt agree with some though so i let them know about it. ;)
time for the bobble hat brigade to get stuffed.(just my unbiased oppinion of course)


they have some good proposals, time will tell as to wether there kept though.

I didnt agree with some though so i let them know about it. ;)

Shame they are so keen on the Local Access Forum's, quite worrying when you read though the list of members , all walker types with a few hossy types thrown in.

I have had a run in with the hossy type in a local pub. She is dead against vehicles on unsurfaced ROW's, because she uses them to train paying pupils to ride horses !!

As for training riders on the lanes.As far as I was aware tracks are used as a route from A to B,not as an extension to someones riding school

As for training riders on the lanes.As far as I was aware tracks are used as a route from A to B,not as an extension to someones riding school

....driveway, private road, special walking route or somewhere to walk their dog. 4x4 banned this week, peddly bikes next then horses .....

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