
Active Member

I posted this a week or two ago and general consensus was I could wait a while to sort the clutch bearing.


However. Something strange happened last night while green laning. I went to pull away after having gone over a bank and the clutch pedal was on the floor. I managed to limp a few miles by starting in first then matching the revs to change gear. I got to some trafic lights and thought I would have to stall. Then, for the hell of it, I tried to lift the clutch pedal up by hand. It just poped back up and worked fine again since then. The clutch does now make a serious squeeling noise like a slipping fan belt.

Is this related to the release bearing and the see saw thing ? If it is then I think the overhall is required ASAP ????
i couldnt find the consensus of waiting a bit and definately not green laning with known fault ,when its apart you will be changing most of them bits worth doing slave and master cylinders too ,it could be loose nuts on m/c push rod ,slight air leak that rebled itself
Fair point. It was actually my local garage that recomended that it was OK to drive for a few months yet. Really weird. Maybe it was air in the system, I cant really come up with any theries ?
Clutch pedal stuck to floor and being forcable pulled up by hand is common of the clutch arm failing where the pivot balls pushes through.

Mine did this


and heres how ya fix it

engine support beam was a good idea without the use of engine crane ,you dont need to remove or touch the front of the engine including fan ,replacing pivot and arm are a must with clutch kit

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