
New Member
G'day chaps, need a quick response please if anyone is out there today....and er...I live in S W France.
Yesterday I noticed a damp patch (ok ok....leave out the funnies!) when I moved the Disco (Y2K TD5) and yes, being at the rear offside had to be the fuel filter slowly dripping.
Looked in the manual and did as instructed; cable off, unscrew sedimenter....which is where my problems began. Sedimenter once partially unscrewed just kept turning and turning...mmmmmm. Ok, so I started tightening gently to see if all my cleaning and fiddling had jettisoned any water and would have a better seal and cure the problem. No......now it wouldn't tighten up.....same problem....started to take up on the threads then it just kept turning on the opposite lock. So now i'm stuck with a sedimenter theat won't come off or seal back up,( which means I can't just change the seal) so down to the local LR agent (thieving w*an*ers!!) I toddle and order new filter and sedimenter( which I read on the forum somewhere when researching my problem that they were replaced on later models to avoid my current mess) and the guys in there told me that you cannot get the old sedimenter bits any more and it's now just a plug at the bottom replacing it, so my question (yeah long and drawn out I know) is, what happens to the elctric plug/cable (they said it would be redundant...tape it or cut it off)that went into the bottom of the sedimenter and am I likely to be missing any warning lights coming up or expecting any extra ones to start flashing??
Thanks in advance for the help.
i'm sure theres a shop on e bay that sells sedimenters, can't remember the name but its on there somewhere if ya search;)

Take a look at Ebay item No.320234094918. I think this should be what your looking for.
Thanks again for the info Toad...but my problem being time shortage and need the disco back on the road asap so yesterday had to order the new version fuel filter without sedimenter(from said French garage) which comes in this morning...and my original question remains.....what do I do with the electrical connection when it is redundant? Will I get any warning lights coming on? Will I in fact be short of any warning lights?
Sorry Riggy I'm not the man to be talking to about electrics. I'm sure someone will pick up on this for you. Good luck!
If you just tie the plug out of the way, no warning lamps will come on. It also means the water in fuel lamp doesn't work, but thats no great loss as long as you regularly change the filter, or get a replacement sediment sensor at a later date. I wouldn't cut it off, you never know if your going to want it again....

Thanks Rob, it's reassuring to know that the French garage have not given me a 'bum steer'!
I was down your way in Feb Riggy, we went skiing in Cauterets. We go most years as the in-laws live in Marmande. I'm over again in July/August on the bike, doing the Alps first then swinging back across west.

Fantastic country, we hope to be moving there in the next couple of years.

Hi again Rob,
whata coincidence....when we moved over we rented a large Moulin for six months just north of Marmande.... outside Eymet, so know that area very well.
Haven't done Cauterets yet but normally go to Piau-Engaly, Saint Lary-Soulin, Bareges etc....where we're expecting another 15cm of snow today and probably be on the slopes Sunday to finish off the season.
When you come ove,r if you are in the area, best you swing by and have a couple of drinks then....

Cauterets is great, quite an easy place to ski with good snow making on the mountain. They were one of the only mountains to have snow when we were there.

Blimey, I know Eymet, been there a few times. Used to go to the market over there. In-laws are in Lagupie, real nice villiage, we usually spend new year with them. Don't really know how far south I'm travelling yet, but I wouldn't mind seeing Cauterets in the summer! Fantastic roads up there!
Thats the best part of going on 2 wheels, you stop where you want! Have tent, will sleep!

Might catch you later!!

'afore ya go....................(and thanks for the advice) JUST finished changing the filter, what a piggin thing to get off. Don't think it's been changed for many ayear it was so tight....had to pierce the cannister with 15" screwdriver and pull like hell to get it to turn!
Anyway, now believe to have air in the system as the pump is screaming away and changing note...starting to die a way some, still noisy but no problems starting it up at all. I believe hte system is self purging isn't it? If I still have a noise (air) problem at a later time, do I just unscrew the bottom cap where the water/diesel drains out or is there a more complicated method of bleeding to look forward to?
Nope, just turn the ign on and floor the throttle pedal a few times until the feul light flashes on the dash. It self primes from there. Might have to do it a couple times.

Sorry Rob, been offline for day or so....computer got well infected.......will follow advice.
Thanks once again

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