
New Member
I wonder if it is possible to send an e-mail to one of the peeps on the management board? For general information. I only see telephone numbers on the website but I hate talking so I could really use some e-mail address :confused:
lol away
no i wanna know things, like where they make the cars? If they make them specific when asked...u know, limited editions. such things.
They should have time for a curious case i think :/
If I were drunk I would blame the drink but I am sober....what is this thread about??? Is it about Landyzone or a Business??
this is not going to turn out like the other dumb blonde newbies fred that get "men" all excited,
all jumping up with,
me first,
me first,
only to find out there chatting up a liverpudlian stoker who`s 6 foot tall and five foot round, but wears ladieeeees clothes....

coz from what i can read,

summits fishy, as fishy as a ****

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