
New Member
hey all landy lovers, i have a problem!
i recently purchased a s3landy 88 inch, 2.25 diesel, i love the vehicle and i love the character of it!

i paid 300 for it and it is/was in excellent condition with a fll mot, bargain!
problem was that on my maiden off road voyage, wilst climbin a steep hill, my mate in his 300tdi lost traction, rolled down the hill and straight into me, it sent my poor little landy over on its roof, no biggie i thought, only needs a new doorskin...

until i tried to fire it up again, the engine will not turn over, after rokin it back and forth it seems that the engine will turn a little, i am not brilliant with the spanners but my mate said it could be a hydraulic something or other and advises me to take the injectors out, when she was on her roof she wasnt runnin more than 10 secs before i pulled the stop lever and stopped the engine runnin, can anyone shed any light on what the problem could be?

i want to keep itoriginal but i do have an old tranny in the yard with a godd engine in it, i dont wanna change so i am hoping that i can fix the original engine, i know this post is a bit vague but so is my knowledge of engines:p

could anyone help me at all??

regards, keef.
If it was up side down for a while, after you stoped the engine then chances are the oil has run past the piston rings and filled the cylinders. As your mate says take the injectors out, then spin it over on the starter for abit , oil should spew out of the injector holes then refit them, check the oil level and hopfully it should then start. It will be abit smokey for abit though. Good luck Larry.
why not just remove the injectors and use a syphon pump to suck the oil out of the cyl's
I knew the Discovery recovery points were hidden underneath for a reason!!!

So you can turn it over and empty the cylinders through the injectors!!! At last recent Landrover design starts to make sense!!! So is that why they hide the spare wheel under there too?
cheers guys!

should have checked back here though before i did it, removed the injectors, the first 3 were hard as hell to get off but i think i managed it without any damage...
fired it up and cos i took my bonnet off to get to them easier, i shot about a litre of oil about 30 foot up in the air and promptly rained oil over all the cars in the cul de sac... i spent the afternoon washing all my neighbours cars.....

the good news is that afte ri attached jump leads the engine turned over freely and all will be sweet hopefully when i rebuild her tomorrow!

i am plesed that its not seized or anything, i can now keep it original, albeit asthmatic....

i will post tomorrow and let you all know how it goes! cheers guys!

i love the forum by the way! reckon im gonna stick around for a while!
i told yer so.
if youde dun what i said, you coulda watched some crap film on the telly all afternoon.
instead of washing a row of cars.
ha ha! i now know, we live and learn!
still, im pleased that i can save her and now spend the money on something else for her sted of a new engine!
hmm, where to start with a std s3....:D
i was more than that for most of the day old 2.25 cant match his 300tdi lol!
should be even worse now, he has now built a space framed v8! might get him to tow me to langdale next time!! we would probably get there quicker...

i am pleased with the way the gutless old girl does in the muddy stuff though, they all laughed at me in their tricked up trucks but i did everything that they did and some acrobatics as well!
right the injectors are back in, engine bay is cleaned up, battery is on charge, will i need to bleed it??
Generally Keef, you will find your old SIII will do most things the modern vehicles can do and get less damage from doing it! ;) Although a lot of folk will try to tell you how hopeless it is, whilst watching you do all the same things they do using diff locks and big engines. They have to justify their own expenditure... ;) You just have to note that your driving style will be more agressive than theirs, as you will need to use a wee but more momentum sometimes. Having said that, it's tough enough to take it!!!

I have a Disco 300 Tdi and find it too delicate for anything serious. I'd have to strip all the plastic off, fit proper recovery points, etc. Alternatively, I take my old SIII out of the garage and add water. If it gets stuck, it rarely gets damaged and can be pulled out by a moderatly incompetant lunatic in another SIII. If I did real good, maybe two SIII's will be required, but it's normally the traction that is in limited supply not the horse power.

What more can you ask for? Have fun, Series off-roading is a riot. Grass roots stuff!
i think i am goin to enjoy series ownership!
and dont worry, i am not planning on using it as an everyday drive! got a nice comfy audi for that;) bit of a contrast to the series but not a tenth of the character!!

i am sure i will be doin everything that my tdi owning mates will be! after some time that is! lol!
Well a Disco owner would say don't think of it, but to be fair... :p My SIII did 18k a year until 2 years ago as my everyday car. It did the job fine and the only reason it retired was that the parts started being made in India and were not as good as the old ones. The gearbox recon guys warned me the new box would be softer chocolate, as they couldn't get the parts like they used to. They are really quite good as everyday cars as long as you know how to fix them. The Disco has actually given me more expensive greif than the SIII ever has... An the SIII always got me to where I wanted to go, sometimes in a noisy cloud of smoke on 2 cylinders... but it did. I wish I could say the same for the Disco.

Just to add my tupence worth... :p
Oh Keef....

Get a Series driver of some experience to teach you the ropes of driving off-road. If you listen to your Coiler mates you may be a bit to gentle with the the old bird. They like it a bit firmer than the young uns'.... ;) The series school of driving is a different art to the coiler brigade. Subtle just the same, but in different ways.
i am hoping to find that out!

updat on the old girl, got it fired up today, smokin like a good un but up and runnin never the less! gearbox is making a lot of noise though...

i think that is gonna have to wait as me car needs taxing now! it never ends...
i was more than that for most of the day old 2.25 cant match his 300tdi lol!
should be even worse now, he has now built a space framed v8! might get him to tow me to langdale next time!! we would probably get there quicker...

i am pleased with the way the gutless old girl does in the muddy stuff though, they all laughed at me in their tricked up trucks but i did everything that they did and some acrobatics as well!

Welcome Keef. See, they're a top bunch in here & can save you a fortune in time & lucre on pointless repairs/work or mods.

Don't forget, nope you can't compete on speed with V8's & 300 Tdi's, but the getting there is the best part. I've only a 200 Tdi now, but I loved trolling along in my III at 50 & got there in the end, with a huge grin.

You'll be surprised over time just what your III IS capable of & for 300 notes T&T'd it sounds like you got a reet bargain.

The oil shower made me larf mind! :D

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