
Active Member
I was heading through the roadworks on Boxing Day and have just received a nice letter from Mr Plod. I have allegedly exceeded the speed limit of 40mph!!!

Now I was allegedly doing 52 in what a thought was the limit.

Can anyone up that way confirm that the signs are at 40 as I am normally carefully in roadworks as they have temp cameras but I cant remember there being a 40mph section.

Fortunately I have been offered a speed awareness course which has to be better than 3 points!!!
Just done a google.

Apparently the limit is 50mph when entering the roadworks and changes to 40mph 1km in. I guess i set the cruise when I went in and didnt notice the change. No restriction southbound.

Ahh well, pay the course cost and go to the naughty boys classroom!!!
Definitely 40 limit between 4 and 4a at present
From experience I can also recommend speed awareness course, it does make you think about speed
Definitely 40 limit between 4 and 4a at present
From experience I can also recommend speed awareness course, it does make you think about speed

You should be doing that anyway,
Guess who administers the Speed awareness Courses option , a subsidiary of ACPO :rolleyes:
Large 40 sign red circle each side at beginning. Repeater sign every 400 yards alternate sides, without all these in place it is not enforceable
You should be doing that anyway,
Guess who administers the Speed awareness Courses option , a subsidiary of ACPO :rolleyes:

Of course you should always think about speed, the point I was trying to make, obviously not phrasing it too well, was that people should not disparage speed awareness courses. They do make you think about the effects of speed, in many cases more than simply paying a fine by post then forgetting about it.
Of course you should always think about speed, the point I was trying to make, obviously not phrasing it too well, was that people should not disparage speed awareness courses. They do make you think about the effects of speed, in many cases more than simply paying a fine by post then forgetting about it.

I will save any disparaging comments until after the course. I have avoided a ban previously after totting up 12 points and pleading mercy at the court so will happily take the course rather than more points. It was only yesterday morning before postie arrived that I was looking at my license and admiring the fact that I no longer had any points. Wont do that again in a hurry!!!!
a camera detector helps me with speed limits,especially when driving on unknown roads,just another insurance policy.
I got caught doing 62 in a 50 on my motorbike back in the late summer and I went on a speed awareness course.

I assumed it would be run by a hard hitting copper who was going to frighten and shock us into learning our lesson...

I was disappointed to find some lady who introduced herself as a psychologist/ driving instructor/ advanced driving observer, who patronised us for half a day with what appeared to be presenting skills which she had learnt on a cheap online course, and a genuine lack of ability to hold court in an interesting and engaging manner.

There were lots of points to take away from the course, and clearly it's a good thing we punish speeders, but the course itself felt very commercial and far from official. In fact I think the huge amount of generalisations and statistics thrown at us really simplified everything and I felt that anybody with more than about 10 brain cells would find that the course was very dumbed down, and insulted their intelligence.

The free coffee & biscuits was good though, and there were a few advanced driving tips which I think would be quite practical and helpful to drivers with no knowledge of such things.

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