
Hi folks I'm just wondering if there's anything to look out for when increasing power output with an auto gearbox. It's a 2005 td4, and about to have the engine rebuilt cleaned etc with a synergy 2 box and some other mods to increase power but I'm unsure if the auto box can take it.
Any advice welcome other than using a match please.

Hi. I have remus switchboard installed and I have not modified anything. It goes very well. I run it with non-aggressive programming. If you don't do the wild and use it wisely, I don't think you have to modify anything. If you continuously demand more power, things will change.

Good Luck.
Hi folks I'm just wondering if there's anything to look out for when increasing power output with an auto gearbox. It's a 2005 td4, and about to have the engine rebuilt cleaned etc with a synergy 2 box and some other mods to increase power but I'm unsure if the auto box can take it.
Any advice welcome other than using a match please.
A couple of years ago I was in this exact position, wanting to go wild, willing to buy turbo and or injectors, or intercooler, not just a sensor tweak, as I was looking to "update" the M47r to give it power output akin to at least a BMW e46 at ~150 bhp, but ideally aiming to catch up with the e90 at nearer 200bhp. However, it was very disappointing when I was advised that there isn't much room for upgrading the M47 due to the torque limitations of the Jatco JF506e :-(
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Yeah I'm not really looking for a drag car just a little bit more plus with torque for off road and a more economical mode for longer journeys.
I'm just a little apprehensive with auto boxes and their limits.
Yeah I'm not really looking for a drag car just a little bit more plus with torque for off road and a more economical mode for longer journeys.
I'm just a little apprehensive with auto boxes and their limits.

The TD4 engine is already making almost all the torque limit of the gearbox (300Nm) max, so you can't get much more out of it.
I trashed my auto by extracting too much out of the engine, I had the Synergy on maximum power setting. The clutch pack fails really easily, so unless you fancy rebuilding gearboxes every few months, I'd avoid dreaming of high torque figures.
If you want a performance FL1, the V6 is the way to go.;)
The TD4 engine is already making almost all the torque limit of the gearbox (300Nm) max, so you can't get much more out of it.
I trashed my auto by extracting too much out of the engine, I had the Synergy on maximum power setting. The clutch pack fails really easily, so unless you fancy rebuilding gearboxes every few months, I'd avoid dreaming of high torque figures.
If you want a performance FL1, the V6 is the way to go.;)
Is the synergy box good in general?

It's good as in it increases power output. Claims of better fuel economy aren't correct, mine made more power at the expense of economy.
A diesel can't work any other way. More power equals more fuel required, which means less miles to the gallon.
It's good as in it increases power output. Claims of better fuel economy aren't correct, mine made more power at the expense of economy.
A diesel can't work any other way. More power equals more fuel required, which means less miles to the gallon.
Very true cheers

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