Found this out from the plod:

From the 15th February 08 all the Speed Cameras in the Variable Speed Limit section of the M25 near Heathrow Airport (JCT 10-15) are going Digital and the activation limit is being lowered.

They are currently the older film type cameras and Set at 90mph when the Variable Limit Signs are not in operation.

The new digital cameras are going to be set at the normal 10% 0f the speed limit + 2mph (80mph + and you're taking a risk basically) when the signs are not in use i.e. national speed limit. I can't confirm the activation limit when the signs are set (variable limits showing) but believe it would be the same 10% + 2mph of the speed shown by the sign at that time.

No problem, doubt I could ever get mine up to 80 anyway!!! (unless it was a really really long hill)
I remember when they put them in thay said that they would not be turned on unless a enforcing a speed less than 70.
Bunch of two faced Money grabing W*****s
I remember when they put them in thay said that they would not be turned on unless a enforcing a speed less than 70.
Bunch of two faced Money grabing W*****s


We should remember our place in society.
We are worthless scumbags, peasants, a resource, a source of endless money, plebs, workers, disposable, and we deserve all we get for putting up with this sort of treatment.

People should be out there "attending to" all these cameras. I'm amazed any of them last more than an hour after they are installed.

wouldnt we be singing from a different song sheet if some prick in a ferrari crashed into us at 100mph and killed one of our kids??????

speed limits are there for a reason!!!
speed limits are a load of bollocks.. they have the same limit no matter what the road conditions are, no matter how heavy the traffic is, no matter how bad visibility is. if the speed limit is 70 on a foggy icey morning during rush hour then shirley it must be safe to do 70. therefore you should be able to safely travel at 140ish on a clear,warm, quiet sunday afternoon.

if on the other hand its not safe to do over 70 on a clear warm quiet sunday afternoon then there is no way it can be safe to do 70 on yer foggy icey morning during rush hour.

what yer need if a set of varible speed limits such as outside schools knock it down to about 10mph. quiet streches of motorway yer could bang it up to around 100 ish
I like the yank system where they have reduced speed limits outside schools at the start and end of the day. Also they have this all fines are doubled rule as well.
i fink it sed - "This burning Gatso is on the A223 near Bexley. Setting light to a petrol filled tyre is the favoured method of destroying them."
I suppose if you get 'caught' in the immediate vicinity of a gatso with a 'spare' tyre etc, you would have to convince the plod that you was 'just changing me puncture . . . . officer !!
i fink it sed - "This burning Gatso is on the A223 near Bexley. Setting light to a petrol filled tyre is the favoured method of destroying them."

Shocking .... truly shocking.

Don't they realise that burning tyres is not allowed?

They could surely choose a greener source of fire .... from a sustainable source .... like a load of pallets perhaps?

But one has to admit, a tyre has all the right attributes!

Or a big heap of nicely dried MANURE

I could just hear the call to the 999 operator "hello, one of your speed camers is on fire, on the A&% dualcarrigeway"

"no sh*t, ok, I'll get the brigade on their way"
if you get a couple of strong blokes and wobble the **** outta a camera, the top box can spin round so its facing away from the road, or even break off.

Spray over the sensor window with matt silver paint. If done carefully wiv a bot of masking tape,from a distance as they drive by, it wont look tampered with. With the film ones, eventually they suss when they come round to change the roll, but with the digi one, it may tale them weeks as thye jus fink the thing is making peep slow down! this works quite I'm told:D :D

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