
Active Member
Disco 2 v8 driving along in a bit of a flood tonight and the whole vehicle died and the M & S lights are now flashing and the Disco wont start. I thought it to be the battery so I got a new one and no luck. Please can anyone help.
auto?, i'm no expert just going on my own experience you may of flooded the xy switch on the box and it is telling it not to start because it is in gear ,
It wouldn't or at least shouldnt have got that wet as the flood was only about 6 inches deep and I didnt hurry through it.
don't need to be DEEP , think of the wake you leave when going thru water it may of been just enough to immerse the xy switch and cause a short , if you can leave it to dry or dry it then try again , mine only got soaked from road spray , it was heavy mind , but it was enough to make it play up.
The only place open was my local halfruds to to get a battery could it also be possible that its not a powerful enoughh battery as ive had one from them before in a defender and it wouldnt even start it??
won't matter what you do until the xy is dried out or possibly changed , IF that is your problem any one near you with HAWKEYE or nanocom
No it wont turn over at all??

I assume you are only trying to start the engine in 'P' or 'N' ?

Here's what I would do:

1. Put your battery on charge overnight - whether it's new or not just do it. What have you got to lose?

2. Check all fuses in the fuse boxes under the steering wheel and in the engine bay - replace as necessary,

3. Get hold of some WD-40, get under the car, separate the electrical connector that goes to the gearbox selector and give the contacts a good blasting. Allow to dry and put back together.

If you do these things and they don't work what have you lost? Nothing, except perhaps a bit of muck on yer pandys.

Well I tried all of the above and even a new battery to see if that would make a difference and no it didnt so its at my local landy mechanic who will plug it in on monday so fingers crossed its not to expensive to put right :-(

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