sorry guys. i got it wrong....

Zello acts as a replacement for traditional two-way radios, offering additional features such as history, replay last message, notifications and Bluetooth device support. It works over 2G, 4G, 3G and GPRS/EDGE networks.[4] Zello is "a direct messaging service that allows members to communicate freely either privately with individuals or over open channels that can support hundreds of thousands of users," said U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.[5] It allows people to use cell phones and computers all around the world like walkie-talkies.[6]

Zello users can create channels and give control to other Zello users to become moderators. New York Times' technology columnist David Pogue describes Zello's channels, "Like most of the best applications, Zello lets you create groups so that you can carry on something like a party-line phone call among a handful—or hundreds—of friends or collaborators."[7]

Once a channel is created, channels can appear on the "Trending" list and creators can assign additional moderators to keep their created channels safe. Though available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry, Zello can also be accessed from a Windows PC computer with the Zello for Windows PC.[7]
Can I send text messages or attachments through Zello?

You may send an Alert to other Zello users including text. Alerts beep the other user until they acknowledge.

Also, you can share messages.

How to Text Messages

If you can't talk and want to text instead, you can use the Call Alert feature to accomplish this. Call Alert is normally used for emergencies and emits a loud persistent beep, along with an optional text message of 140 characters maximum. The text messages are also saved in history. To use Call Alert as a texting feature, you can turn off the audio beeps by using these steps:

For Android

1. Go to Options>Alerts>Call alert. Turn alert setting to None.

2. Tap on the call alert icon on the talk screen to text a message:


For iOS:

1. Go to Settings>Alert tones/vibrate>Incoming alert. Turn alert setting off.

2. Tap on the call alert icon on the talk screen to text a message:

Thats useful, messages are good for things like numbers addresses etc.....saves scrabbling around for a pencil
Call alert feature allows to send audio tone with optional text to your contact. The tone will repeat every minute until the person responds or clears the alert.


This Zello dark magic wot you speak of sounds like a good idea. Can you explain for the hard of understanding like me (tech dinosaur) if there's an LZIR group already, do we add ourselves to it or are bods already on LZIR map being put on? Does it cost anything to get the app? Is it only you guys as mods using it for quick monitoring of assistance requests, note that you were trialling it so how's it going so far?

This Zello dark magic wot you speak of sounds like a good idea. Can you explain for the hard of understanding like me (tech dinosaur)
if there's an LZIR group already, Yes there is
do we add ourselves to it or are bods already on LZIR map being put on? request to be added or we can request you, once you have Zello.
Does it cost anything to get the app? No
Is it only you guys as mods using it for quick monitoring of assistance requests, not many on there at the mo - so sign up ;)
note that you were trialling it so how's it going so far? see above - seems to be good
Thanks for that. I'm on the LZIR map already so I think your answer means I need to let you know if I want to be added on the Zello wotsit as well? If so, pm incoming. :)
Couple of things...

1. I will be expecting a request from yo LZ name - if not please let me know who the feck you are.
2. Another very useful app is "I am here" ( other apps available) which allows you to text/sms/email your exact location.
Good lord, you are the flipping owner of this piece of technological magic! Only 2 members though?

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