D90mitch... I have about 4 hours of route 1 footage. Prolly won't get it off the card until next week. Bigger things to deal with at the moment.

Ok thanks for that, anything would be helpful as soon as you are able too. Drop me a PM when you get anything uploaded.

Still trying to work out who was who... Added one on Facebook when I recognised him on LZ page.. Due to him he bein a friendly chap introducin himself and askin how I was...
:eek: :D

Sounds like me…only I'm not on facetube
[emoji22]. Don't have enough friends to create an account.

Just me sitting in the dark. Playing with my train set.
Were we not the 12:00 noon easy route 1 - took 4 hours 20 mins base to base according to my watch.

SueW first with navigator xxx - but thanks to both
silverlandy / 3.5efi
gstuart & james
other people (Trev??) in the blue white top 110 with a CB

Order got slightly changed after the "difficult bit" before we hit the difficult bit.

Good fun everyone, no-one got stuck.

Could have done with a proper tea break though :)

that was flatlander on the end with the blue 110

was indeed great fun , enjoyed every minute of it, I made it around 45 miles

I did gulp going out in my hippo when I saw only defenders and rangies , thinking oh dear in for a penny in for a pound, lol
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Nope, that's my arse end on view in post 121 while I have a check of my fan on the white 90.

Really glad you made it Gary, glad you enjoyed it

was great meeting u all, the pleasure was all mine with meeting such welcoming people within the group and also on the whole lz event

maybe we could go out in the same group next year if u wish
I am pretty sure I was on the easy non scratchy route, a few of the same lanes as last year and little in the way of ground clearance issues.
Just one moment of weakness on my drive in the Freelander which was purely my own fault in the fact I hadn't quite got round to fitting my propshaft after removing it for diagnostic purposes. Originally I was going to take a pass on the laneing but as the ground was fairly solid and it hadn't rained in a few days I thought I would get away with it.
Well.....no pictures or it didn't happen and I don't have any to show but let's just say I should have known better than to go out in 2wd

A brilliant weekend away. Lots of people I didn't manage to speak to or didn't speak to for long enough. Glad to of spoken to the people I did.

Looking at the pictures that have been taken and they are really good. I always forget to get the camera out enough

My step daughter thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and is STILL making loom band bracelets

Bring on next year. Defiantly coming on the Friday!

You'd be surprised at what turns up!



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avatar duly changed, although if I'd known you were including a picture of my arse I would have worn my cycling shorts.

Actually, a really good photo, despite my rear end being in view

clean again... biggest scratch is about 2 inches and so slight i might not even bother polishing it out.
Cracking weekend all, nice to meet everyone. I'll be sure to post all my pics asap!

You better scuttle off to the introduce your section or you'll be in trouble :p

Glad you came along, was awesome to meet you and I'm pleased you got your landy all shiney again :D

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