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1) BB confirmed
2) nickp3003 confirmed
3) Ratty and ballast confirmed
4 )Pikey & Minty. Confirmed
5) Fanatic confirmed
6) Freddy confirmed
7) Accy Confirmed sort of!!
8) Roy Confirmed probably.. :D
9) Jason Williams confirmed
10)MHM & The Lady Ewok (Sunday only)
Tis right ...her n Kipper are attending said bash , were even contemplating chucking out the b&b reservation and mucking in at the camping , but after some more contemplation (and on my part , a good eye opener of LZ politics re certain threads/posts and accusations ) I'm taking 110w's view that sometimes it's nice to be able to walk away We are coming Sat , bringing dribble cake and anything else peeps might like to eat? :)

this was not meant in a negative way when isaid her,muds,if it offended you then i apologise,but it def was not meant that way.
this was not meant in a negative way when isaid her,muds,if it offended you then i apologise,but it def was not meant that way.

lol , nothing you can say would ever offend me ...I've grown a thick skin by being on ere ...sort of ..:eek:
What sort of time are peeps looking at getting to the show on Friday?

Kinda depends....

I could be there by lunch but waiting on word from Accy and/or Roy. Not a lot of point in getting there much before them unless they can't make it in which case there's a week of serious panic and imaginative procurement ahead :5bwilly_nilly:

Passes (mostly) posted out 1st class first thing this morning. Also waiting to hear if I need to rustle up an extra pass
I love pasties... I duz

Not sure when I will be arround will pop down Friday early eve to help setup and for some banter may leave the Landy on site, but have to drop lad at school at eight sat morning so still have to plan in detail....
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