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I've spoken to Mark, the organiser, and I'm going ahead with ordering up the tickets. If more than 8 are needed they have to be paid for and it'll need arranging before hand. There will be an as yet undetermined limit on how many we can have so if you want to come get your name down.
Its gonna be full of ****s in Subaru's int it?! :(

What's wrong wiv subarus?!?

I'll have you know, they're a very reliable.... Oh I give up.

I'll see if I can get the 90 done by then, would be fun to chuck it round the off road course.
1. Pikey & Minty
2. BlueBeasty
3. Ratty and ballast
4. Dippy & Buffaloknight (cos we're back in Blighty then)
5. Fanatic and...
6. Deasy
7. Freddy ;)
1. Pikey & Minty
2. BlueBeasty
3. Ratty and ballast
4. Dippy & Buffaloknight (cos we're back in Blighty then)
5. Fanatic and...
6. Deasy
7. Freddy
8. Accy & Kirsty providing i'm in the country. if not I will make sure the White Castle is available
Pikey;3002202]That's ok we can send them to recover all the stuck jeeps and my 110 on the lz party trip.:D:D
Me and mine will pop over fer a few hours prolly on the satdee. Swmbo wont stop the weekend as they int got pods!! She dint do tents mud.... yet!!
What's wrong wiv subarus?!?

I'll have you know, they're a very reliable.... Oh I give up.

I'll see if I can get the 90 done by then, would be fun to chuck it round the off road course.

ha ha ..until you see the water jump ...still got great pics of Hamsterberg opening the drivers door to let the water out! ...don't forget yer flippers n snorkel ..:D
As long as I is allowed to drive in an out at resonable hours stick us down but we'll be stopping offsite in an otel due to SWMBOs hating of mud un camping. Oh and FiL is paying for otel!!

SWMBO will do cupcakes anorl and ice em onsite.
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