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All packed and ready to rumble. Now just a waiting game. :(

Do they do home start? :D

Looks like just a heater hose, trimmed and replaced. Tak8ng her for a test run before I try and set off again :)
Not doing well at all. Just stopped at Strensham for 5. Looking at 8:30 - 9:00 now. Hope the gates aren't locked!
Are we there yet? Are we ARE WE!!!. More importantly!! Is the Marquee there yet?
See you all tomorrow, I'm off for a early night for early start! I'll get there for about 8, the cakes made and looks quite good but it ain't survived the discovery yet, it may well fall through the gaps in my boot floor spreading itself all over Shepton mallet :p
Late start for me. Just about to head down.

Before I leave, are y'all missing anything or need me to bring anything?
Late start for me. Just about to head down.

Before I leave, are y'all missing anything or need me to bring anything?

There are a few things.

The priority thing is some wraps as in fajita type wraps. (No I'm not joking. There are a couple of peeps that can't eat bread)

Bread rolls

A couple of bottles of diet coke

Ta muchly.
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