Yep. Nearside front indicator not working. :rolleyes:

The horns buggered anorl!

Thanks for a great weekend all, really enjoyed it and hope you all get home safely :)
Thanks to pikey and minty for giving me somwhere to sleep too!
Big thanks to Mrs and Mr Muds fer supplying us with cake and pasties and to CHR1S for bringing along the necessary to keep Roys kids from starving to deaf.......some dads are a little forgetful like that :p

Cheers to everyone who spent so much time and effort lighting up my front end and giving me 4 fully functioning horns :D Accy's skill at pushing a length into holes so small I could barely see them was truly something to behold :eek:

Roy seemed content to spend most of the weekend with a tool in his hand, sometimes his, sometimes someone elses and his advice improved my horns no end.

I can honestly say it's impossible to place a value on Rattys contribution.......any sort of value at all :D:D

A special thanks goes out to the chocolate cake......gone but not forgotten :Cry:
And who'd of thought that Freddy could so deeply offend everyone! :eek::eek:

Tis always the quiet ones ya gotta watch :mad:;)
Definitely, thanks to you most of Roys kids have a fair chance of making it home albeit somewhat traumatised.......... but that's Freddys fault :p:p

If they spent the whole weekend living on tortilla wraps, they might be going home somewhat malnourished! ;)
Was a great time, I did squeak at same lighting bar I sell £346- prices I sell giving it away

ya look like one of them running around with ripley..:D

door secure for now...;)


  • alian.jpg
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Cheers all for a great weekend. It was great to see some old faces and some ugly new buggers too. :D

Thanks Muds for the pasties and cake.

Thanks fanny for the help with firing up the silent running generator.

Thanks Freddie for the abuse

Thanks Accy and Roy for letting us have a stand and for not burning it down.

Thanks pikey for not nicking anything off me

Thanks to everyone else for the cake, cookies company etc

Thanks BB for the 6 hour wait for half a landslide cake. I am still awaiting the other half.

Thanks also the those that made it down to say hi.
Thanks fanny for the help with firing up the silent running generator.

Was the generator any good? I've been looking for a silent running generator for ages!

Saw a couple of small ones at the show but the low price left me questioning the quality!
Aldi/lidl powercraft honda clone, but also national grid lol
Thanks guys for top weekend..... I was fed watered chilled and relaxed, game last night was different :eek: weather was at times too hot, but made a change from previous years. ..Thanks to Freddy for passenger seat on off road course was hairy in places I shut my eyes :eek:Thanks for bacon sarnies, I would of starved. :(
Thanks to my other half as always :D
Just woke him up to empty 110, I can then put stuff away and go to bed.

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