It's all very well talking about venue and dates but we need to sort out the really important stuff first.

Who's bringing cake and in what quantities?
Ooh ooh can I come?
NO!!! the secret society is only issuing a very few invites. These lucky few will have to spend the weekend pumping up air beds, getting more burgers/beer/ carryin the girls to the loo (cos it is in different county)
Oh did i mention burgers?
no!!! The secret society is only issuing a very few invites. These lucky few will have to spend the weekend pumping up air beds, getting more burgers/beer/ carryin the girls to the loo (cos it is in different county)
oh did i mention burgers?

:d :d :d
I fully intend to be there again. This time though with my own Landy, might have to bring the new toy along behind on the trailer though if I am allowed.
We'll be coming again, I'll probably have the Mercedes 614D finished by then so won't bring the Discovery and big trailer, but Rob and Phil will be along in their Landies.

For anyone who hasn't been there recently, J19 is undergoing a huge revamp with new flyovers from the A14 to M6 and M1 north, so watch travel news for details of restricted access at weekends.

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The 'slappers will be there again - no doubt with SWMBO and her icing bags!!

I'll possibly make some cakey thing that a fellow LZer put me on to yesterday.... lets just say 4 mars bars, shedloads of maltesers and butter - but bloody delish with a mug o tea!!
The 'slappers will be there again - no doubt with SWMBO and her icing bags!!

I'll possibly make some cakey thing that a fellow LZer put me on to yesterday.... lets just say 4 mars bars, shedloads of maltesers and butter - but bloody delish with a mug o tea!!

Tea no sugar of course, we need to watch the old waist line
I'll most likely be there again, my help is there if it's needed too.

Would liked a different location with new lanes etc but I know you had difficulty last time getting a venue.
Apologies all, just seen this... not like me :rolleyes:

As mentioned above wheels are in motion, there have been more changes at Stanford but they are keen to have s back so that's where we are heading. More news with days finalised this week I hope.

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