Google days 3 hours 10mins for us or 2.20 if we stop at my dad's the night before :)
3 days and 10 minutes are you walking:lol:

Hahah this fricking phone makes me want to smash it pieces sometimes...

I don't understand how it has started changing works to something completely different. It has started changing the word house to the name Josie :confused:
Bit off topic but does anyone know how insurance companies feel about adding them overseas people onto a policy? Are there standard rules etc or will just depend on individual companies?
Bit off topic but does anyone know how insurance companies feel about adding them overseas people onto a policy? Are there standard rules etc or will just depend on individual companies?

probably depends on your insurer ,they look for all sorts to cop out
3 hours for me. :)

Should be fun with no sound deadening, no stereo, and terrible wheel wobble above 50. :rolleyes:
im already considering using some industrial ear defenders, and i dont think i can get above 50 so i dont have to worry about wheel wobble :eek:

Hmm... Ear defenders could work! :p Or possibly some headphones to sort the lack of music sitiation. :D

Sometimes I wish mine wouldn't go above 50. Can get scary sometimes. :eek:
aa route planner 1hr 54min so I reckon another hour on that, we are going convoy, with the yorkshire massif! lol :D

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