When you replaced the LP fuel pump was it a new one or second hand? Did you change the filter at the same time? Did you replace the HP fuel pump with a new one or a second hand one?
Ok, a lumpy startup does point to an injector.
This isn't my strong point, but no, there is no easy way.
I've found taking them out and sticking them in plastic bottles to look at the spray pattern or if it is spraying works well, but it's not straight forward.
I doubt all 4 will need replacing, it's usually only 1 that goes at a time.
There's also the chance that it's the harness that's at fault.
I think the Calvary is required.
@Nodge68 @Lowbank @Alibro @Hippo

When you replaced the LP fuel pump was it a new one or second hand? Did you change the filter at the same time? Did you replace the HP fuel pump with a new one or a second hand one?
The fuel pump & filter under the wheel arch where replaced with new oem, the tank has been drained/cleaned the fuel lines have been cleaned too, the mechanic said he has checked the Maf & map sensors and also checked fuel pump in engine bay.. Diagnostic results (it's had two tests from 2 different garages) states low fuel pressure. My mechanic is saying that he thinks it's one of the injectors that isn't working on the low pressure side.
The fuel pump & filter under the wheel arch where replaced with new oem, the tank has been drained/cleaned the fuel lines have been cleaned too, the mechanic said he has checked the Maf & map sensors and also checked fuel pump in engine bay.. Diagnostic results (it's had two tests from 2 different garages) states low fuel pressure. My mechanic is saying that he thinks it's one of the injectors that isn't working on the low pressure side.
Thanks for the info, I think you should do Nodges easy HP pump fix first then go down the injector route.
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Hi mike, cleaned and didn't make any difference also on start up this morning, it was lumpy but cleared very quickly, got 10 miles down the road and car when into limp mode and so crawled home... At my wits end with it! Is there anyway to check injectors without taking them out and sourcing the one with a problem? My mechanic is still saying it's the injectors but doesn't know which one and is advising to get all 4 replaced. I've already spent in excess of £600 and to spend another large amount without 100% surety it will be cured I'm finding hard..
Kind regards Annemarie

What fuel do you use? Have you put a fuel system cleaner through it? I don't think the pressure regulator O rings are causing this issue. However it could be a combination of things. My own TD4 had a sudden spate if missing and spluttering. It turned out that I got a duff tank of fuel. It took a few hundred miles to clear up with many doses of Comma Diesel Magic. It's run ok ever since, so can only have been the fuel.

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