
Further to a thread I posted a while back, I finally got the replacement LT95 fitted to my 90. This was supposed to have delivered me an overdrive, higher ratios, and a quieter box.


The "new" box is a complete bag of nails. It's noisy beyond belief (scares small children as you drive past sounding like the horsemen of the apocalypse), 2nd gear synchro is fubar, the selectors are as baggy as you like, and it's stiff as well, as in, it's rolling/spinning resistance is really high.

So, next plan is:

- replace input shaft bearing on the OLD box (this was whiney, but only whiney, so I'm reasonably confident this is the culprit)
- pull the bag of nails out of the 90 again (aaaargh!)
- swap the final drive gears (or source some more, these ones in fact seem to be TOO high)
- swap the Fairey overdrive from the scrap box to the original
- refit and be happy :D

So, I'm looking for instructions on how to replace the input shaft bearing (not too big a job if I have access to a press?), and instructions on how to swap the overdrive over (will I need any replacement parts, I've read that you need snap washers, shims, etc, will I be able to use those in the unit currently or do I need more?)

Would really appreciate some advice here, this will all be somewhat new to me but I'm hoping for success!

how was it whiney ? in all gears ,everyone apart from 4th etc , to remove input shaft ,remove bell housing ,remove front brg cover and oil pump ,remove circlip on input shaft ,knock input shaft and bearing through front plate(with copper hammer or similar) whilst levering plate away(the 4 studs will knock through plate as input goes through),if it wont tap through you will have to pull layshaft out with input and front plate
The original box was whiney when you let the clutch out, it was a fairly high-pitched whine which seemed to come from the bellhousing area, hence my "diagnosis" of the input shaft bearing. The replacement box does quieten down in 4th so I guess that one has knackered layshaft bearings (amongst everything else!). I must confess that I can't remember whether the old box stopped whining on 4th but I don't think that was the case.

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