
Got a 200Tdi 110 that I've bought back from the dead with the help of reading these forums, thanks for all the help guys. Can't find an easy answer the the following though.

Since it's been on the road it has always jumped out of 1st gear when applying a more that moderate acceleration. I can stop it from jumping out by holding the gear stick to the left but this a pain in the butt (well, left shoulder really!).

Is there some kind of adjustment on the gearbox for this, or is there a detent spring in the box like the series leafers that needs changing?
That was quick; maybe I was thinking of my 101! It must be an LT77? LT75? Bit new to this defender land :)
Does sound like a worn first gear to me. My old series pansies used to do this when the 1st/reverse gear was worn, or had thrown a tooth. Does yours "chink chink chink" when in first and feel the vibration through the gear lever?
No, first gear works great as long as I push the gear level to the left. Just jumps out if left to it's own will with anything but a light acceleration.
That was quick; maybe I was thinking of my 101! It must be an LT77? LT75? Bit new to this defender land :)
lt77, it will need to come to pieces, it could be worn dog teeth ,too much play very likely if lt77s or poor synchro unit
No, first gear works great as long as I push the gear level to the left. Just jumps out if left to it's own will with anything but a light acceleration.
Hmmmm. With modern helical cut gears, putting acceleration onto a gear should not force it out of gear. Does sound like a bit more than just adjustment issue. How many miles has the box done?
Hmmmm. With modern helical cut gears, putting acceleration onto a gear should not force it out of gear. Does sound like a bit more than just adjustment issue. How many miles has the box done?
helical cut gears do want to move when loaded hence not having too much free play
Wow, you guys are quick; I'm still trying to change the title of the post to not look so stupid!

Yeah, 1st synchro is worn, so is second synchro. I was afraid that it's a box out issue just wanted to know if there was an easy fix on the top of the box.
Box has done about 200k, but once the load is on the 1st gear then it no longer pops out. It's just on the take up of power that it pops out.
Yeah, managed to changed the title to the thread. Pretty simple in the end when you find the right button :)
Thanks for replys, definitely sounds like a box out and rebuild. I was hoping for an easy fix! If that's the case, then I'll probably do the job myself. Never done a rebuild of a 110 box, but it's time to learn! Done a series box in the past which was easy, but I believe that I will need a press to do the the 110 box?

Will have to wait a month as the vehicle is in daily use to do a 200 mile journey to work in Newcastle every week. In the mean time, I'll just keep holding the gear stick to the left to get me though - good old landys, better than these ****box modern cars with their electronics :)

Thanks for all your help. Cheers, Steve.
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Good luck! I am guessing Dunsfold, Paddock or Craddocks will be able and best suited to providing all the oily bits and gaskets. Just don't scrimp on parts thinking "it'll be OK". Do all the bearings and synchro hubs too. That way it should last another 200k!!!
tbh this I never use 1st always 2nd but good luck with the rebuild
can we have pics as you go along please

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