
New Member
Hi, my new gearbox mounts turned up from eBay yesterday but they are half the diameter of the ones fitted... The parts factor claim they've sold hundreds with no problems... Does anyone know if they have changed the original design to a smaller one? Or is the parts factor an idiot?
2.5td... The company are now telling me it's a mount for either the engine or gearbox... However the mounts are too small for either... I'm entirely open to the possibility it's an "improved" design
well there are two mounts either side of the engine, but the gearbox doesnt actually have any, the rear mounts are on the transfer box and if i can recall properly are basically a square of rubber with a bolt sticking out either side, how much smaller are they? as the ones i had on mine were around 1.5 inches square
Haha! Mine are about 3" across and round, the replacement ones are 2" and round.... I think that about answers the question!
round are normally the engine ones, but if they are the same thickness then they should theoretically work on either
Hi, my new gearbox mounts turned up from eBay yesterday but they are half the diameter of the ones fitted... The parts factor claim they've sold hundreds with no problems... Does anyone know if they have changed the original design to a smaller one? Or is the parts factor an idiot?
they will be cheap series ones ,better with the bigger ones even though they will fit anr1808 is number
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Cheers. I'll order some proper ones... I'll pop these in the "might come in handy one day" part of the workshop.
Cheers. I'll order some proper ones... I'll pop these in the "might come in handy one day" part of the workshop.

That will be under your workbench with the spiders, under years of metal/wood cuttings and old landy components?

Which makes me ask, should I bin the 2 rusty brake master cylinders sitting on my work bench which are never going to be useful ever again?

It just seems so wasteful! I could put them into the concrete when I pour foundations for a new garden wall - then in 100 years time it will be some great archaeological find.
I know this is joining in the discussion late but..........
I'm working on a project that uses what are supposed to be land rover gearbox mounts. They are approx 75mm in dia and just under 32mm in thickness,if anything they are slightly too large.The mounts are the old cotton reel type.
All the mountings I have seen are larger and all seem pretty much the same I assume the part numbers have been reduced and so one type is supposed to fit all or maybe its different manufacturers have different ideas.
I'm told the V8 land rover had these mounts on the engine,one side being thicker than the other.
Does this ring any bells with anyone?
Hi James thanks for the answer,I bought some of those but the thickness is 37mm (seems a fairly common dimension on them) and thats just too thick to fit. They really need to be 32mm or under.
Sorry,I didn't make things clear. This is a conversion on a spring set uo on a old Rover car,the mounts go in between the spring and the chassis. This is a conversion that was marketed some years back using mountings supposedly Land Rover gearbox ones.

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