I'm pretty sure I was the only person wearing a LZ hoodie or T-shirt :(

I was there yesterday. Went with my mate in his restored S2, couldn't persuade him to do the off-road course though:(

Sure I saw Hamsterberg's 110 on the way in:confused:

Tbh I wasn't that impressed with the show, seemed that they had squashed all the stands too close together.
My mate was happy though, he got himself a couple of odds and sods for his Landy.
I wonder how long it'll be until one of these shows sets up a seperate car park for people who want to sell their Landy?

I always have a wander through the parking to have a look at the stuff for sale.
So - Am I the only one that thought the show was naff then?!?

Never been to one before, so drove down Saturday morning in my defender hoping for big things.

I expected there to be much more of a 'show' than there was. The motorbike dude was okay, but I wanted to see some Landys putting some effort in! Saw some of the 'Twist-Off' which got boring after you'd seen four or five perform.

They really need to have some sort of off road course that you can stroll over to and watch the crazies trying to get through / over.

All in all, not sure I'll bother again, especially at £30 for a couple - totally disappointed.
Peterbro show is apparently the bees balls, or dogs nads (whichever) they have everything you desire,

The weather cancelled the show at billing and then put back on, so probobly stall holders plans etc disrupted and had other plans, (who knows) Dont get too down hearted as im sure if you went to Peterbro you wont be disappointed :)
i hadnt been to billing for a couple of years and it was smaller than previous years might have had something to with the date moving etc, but overall was ok cost me £65 for 3 nights stay and entry for family of 5 for 3 days which i thought was good value...
They really need to have some sort of off road course that you can stroll over to and watch the crazies trying to get through / over.

They did fella!!
So - Am I the only one that thought the show was naff then?!?

Never been to one before, so drove down Saturday morning in my defender hoping for big things.

I expected there to be much more of a 'show' than there was. The motorbike dude was okay, but I wanted to see some Landys putting some effort in! Saw some of the 'Twist-Off' which got boring after you'd seen four or five perform.

They really need to have some sort of off road course that you can stroll over to and watch the crazies trying to get through / over.

All in all, not sure I'll bother again, especially at £30 for a couple - totally disappointed.

We walked over to the off road course, took about 10mins, enjoyed watching it, not a bat view spot and ice-cream van for the kids too.
i hadnt been to billing for a couple of years and it was smaller than previous years might have had something to with the date moving etc, but overall was ok cost me £65 for 3 nights stay and entry for family of 5 for 3 days which i thought was good value...

Can't better £65 for a family weekend!
first time posting and first time to Billing (fri)
kids enjoyed it and although i wasn't planning to get dirty, i was talked (rather easily) into doing the off road course.
went through middle of mud bath - only to the top of your wheels they said! those of you who did the same will know where i'm coming from :D but very grateful for the water run after.(defender 110 so, yes i did get wet feet!) they did let me do the water run twice as i didn't fancy 2 hours underneath with hose
i did forget to put in cam belt case wading plug :( so have made oil leak much worse)
so on with the chore of replacing front oil seals :violin:
i know you old hands are rolling your eyes so i'll have to take this on the chin
to the rest - take heed - a moments weakness costs time and money!
So - Am I the only one that thought the show was naff then?!?

Never been to one before, so drove down Saturday morning in my defender hoping for big things.

I expected there to be much more of a 'show' than there was. The motorbike dude was okay, but I wanted to see some Landys putting some effort in! Saw some of the 'Twist-Off' which got boring after you'd seen four or five perform.

They really need to have some sort of off road course that you can stroll over to and watch the crazies trying to get through / over.

All in all, not sure I'll bother again, especially at £30 for a couple - totally disappointed.

Watching the mud run is a great spectator sport :D
Watching the mud run is a great spectator sport :D

Stood there for a good 45 minutes, watched a Freelander on wicked steroids plough straight through the middle, pretty sure it was a freebie shell on a custom chasis as I'm buggered if I can find lifts & running gear anywhere close to what it was sat on!

Highlight of the mud run was somebody in a blue '90 plough straight through the middle & get bogged down in the deepest part, after watching it stood there for a good minute while the marshals ran round getting a tow sorted, exhaust bubbling up through the mud, the guy gave it the bisto & eventually dragged himself out. Very impressive to watch, my description did it no justice

Roll on Peterborough, hopefully will be more there in the way of shows as I didnt catch anything at Billing, that was the only thing missing.
Stood there for a good 45 minutes, watched a Freelander on wicked steroids plough straight through the middle, pretty sure it was a freebie shell on a custom chasis as I'm buggered if I can find lifts & running gear anywhere close to what it was sat on!

Highlight of the mud run was somebody in a blue '90 plough straight through the middle & get bogged down in the deepest part, after watching it stood there for a good minute while the marshals ran round getting a tow sorted, exhaust bubbling up through the mud, the guy gave it the bisto & eventually dragged himself out. Very impressive to watch, my description did it no justice

Roll on Peterborough, hopefully will be more there in the way of shows as I didnt catch anything at Billing, that was the only thing missing.

Marshals said it was on a disco chassis!
Stood there for a good 45 minutes, watched a Freelander on wicked steroids plough straight through the middle, pretty sure it was a freebie shell on a custom chasis as I'm buggered if I can find lifts & running gear anywhere close to what it was sat on!

Marshals said it was on a disco chassis!

It's called a D-Lander disco running gear and chassis GRP freelander styled bodyshell.

it was an alright show i thought, everyone goes on about how the lro show is better than the lrm show but this year definately not. did the offroad course, went straight into the middle of the mud run sucked in a load of mud and filled the turbo with mud, opps :rolleyes:
ooh well 4 hours later she was going again and a new air filter and she was good to go again, sniorkel on my shopping list !!

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