So does this mean as a fellow member that we all get a hefty discount on a LRM subscription then? :D

hope you have fun, and as a journalist I hope the bad spelling, grammar, and general lack of the proper English language doesn't make you cry too much

Oh and a nice article about how great we all are please :D

So are you the same David Phillips who used to have a page in Land Rover Owner International called "Rave On" ?

And who wrote an article about failing to leave your handbrake on or put the automatic vehicle into park, and it then rolled down the hill into someones gatepost while you were out of the vehicle ?
A few helpful headlines.

The Times: Landyzone Members welcome former LRO writer.

Daily Mail: House Prices Fall due to LRO writer apperance.

Metro: Everyone's got a mate called Dave.

Grauniad: Journalist arrives to comment on grandma and improve writing.

Sun: Dave in zone shocker

Sport: LRM man is really a hamster.
Welcome whoever you are....

It could be worse, ya could be a certain LRO contributor who also bangs on about Leica cameras......what a boooring fookin' noobhead he is!
Jeezzz, reading through his articles is like war n peace.... but without the fookin peace!
Likes the sound of his own voice too...unfortunately I couldnt hide behind the counter in time and had to endure that joy of joys

Please ask him to stop. The ****!
Hi Dave

welcome to the mad house.

Don't let the odd derogatory comment or personal abuse put you off, just see it as a rights of passage into proper fully fledged membership. The average member on here has a heart of gold (well molybdenum disulphide really) and you will find a wealth of knowledge and experience available.
Forums can be boisterous, and the membership does tire of the newcomers asking questions without first having read the many threads on popular topics.

Tip Number 1. Unless you want a meteoric rise to most unpopular member, don't aslk what size/type tyres best suit your disco.

Tip number 2. Even if it's for journalistic research, don't ask the membership - which engine is the best 200Tdi; 300 TDi or TD5.

Tip Number 3 Even though you're a journalist and have to abide by the journalist's code of always telling the truth :D:D:D, should you road test a Freelander and find that the doors don't fall off if you go wading. Don't tell us.

Finally I see you're a photographer so be prepared for some stiff competition. Our calendar knocks spots off a certain magazine published (backed by zillions of publisher's dosh) calendar.:cool:
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So I was going with:
Hi my name is TROY MCCLear you may know me from such films as .........and It Slipped right up inside.....
but hay. mate welcome.
Never read any of your stuff, But wot the F**k. I just might now.
So wot do you drive (pics Please).
Coz if it an SUV gaylander then, you are a smeg head.You can Quote me on that.
Everyone will help on here, put up with the ****, dont spit dummies out or chuck toys just join in with taking the pi55 out of Gaylanders

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