

I bought a 06 plate LR3 TDV6 with "head gasket" problem though i have suspicions that this may not be the case.. long story into actually buying it - thats for another day !
There is no scum on the dipstick nor inside the oil filler cap here my suspicion that the faults are elsewhere. I was assured the engine suspensions ... were all fine otherwise and no faults are illuminated when i put a battery in apart from low coolant. I haven't yet managed to get it started as it was sitting up without a batter for 3 months and the rear right handbrake is locked on as a result and the engine is turning over but not starting .
Im a novice to LR3's and seeking wistful advice on where to start

Many thanks

could still be head gasket, but from cylinder to water, which would give no scum on dipstick or oil filler cap, but would allow water to escape via combustion,
good luck finding the fault :)
disco Me,
Cheers for that. Still trying to start it as battery was so dead, a jump didn't even do it, but at least it was turning over. Thats step 1 of what hopefully would be like climbing the Eiffel Tower in steps !
Have you checked the cambelt isnt broken? check cam is truning through oil filler cap.
If it is turning check you have fuel pressure. The rear hpfp belt could have broken
Fitted a new battery and its seems to be turning fine and appears as if diesel is coming up ok (i checked the bleed pressure valve) but even with a squirt of easy start isn't firing on any cylinder but no dash warning messages except low coolant. A bit stumped !!!

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