u need a thick skin and a daft sense ov humour on ere, im sure if anythings 'unacceptable' it'll be moved or removed by the mods
u need a thick skin and a daft sense ov humour on ere, im sure if anythings 'unacceptable' it'll be moved or removed by the mods

looks thst way lol

just not used to comments like that when trying to help someone out ! i dont get it on any of the biker forums iam on so did expect it on here, oh well i have now learnt my lesson lol
tisk ! ill make it a bit clearer for you :) a lot of people on here cry at the first sign of a bit of sarcasm ! :D

They do? surely you jest, rufty tufty outdoorsy, Landrovery types crying over a few words ...

Awsworth 4x4 (Foremost 4x4) has bin shut for a while now, you could however try Jim at Formost 4x4 on 0115 944 2961, His place is just round the back of Tescos in Ilkeston.

Either that or get Axletwister to do it :)

He has now moved to a place in Cotmonay Just down the road. I've used formost for years and I cannot fault their work. However, the last few times I and other friends have taken our landrovers there for repair work and servicing one thing springs to mind... outrageously expensive!!! In fact I would go as far as to say he's more expensive than main dealers!!! And you always come away with a big list of looming faults.

There is a new place opened in Huthwaite, Notts called Tonks 4x4. I don't know what his work is like but, he's probably, no definately cheaper than Jim at Formost 4x4.

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