Back to the op. I guess it depends what you want to do with the vehicle. Looking at using the vehicle rather than the normal which engine. Want a reasonable 4x4 that will pull a trailer and get you up most hills and out of most fields at eventing,? Do you have dogs that will stay when the tailgate is open , or happy for everything in a heavily laden boot to fall out when wanting just a pair of muck boots out then RRS is ok.
Whilst I believe the towing capacity is the same as an l322 , I have never seen one , in use, in proper conditions, manage as well as an l322. By this I mean in the world of horses, dogs and muddy fields. ...........I refer back to what you want to do with it.
Want a unreliable but great when working 4x4, which will pull the other so called 4x4s out of the field at an event? One that will allow you to open part of the tail gate, so excitable dogs, or even more excitable shopping, riding gear, dog stuff, doesn't escape ( have you seen how quickly shopping tries to get out of a car when the boot is opened?!) Oh and not forgetting, allow you to get the dogs and the riding gear in the rear, without making it uncomfortable for the dogs. One that will willingly give you a seat, with no windscreen to obstruct you, or cubby coming between you and your loved one, to watch a beautiful sunset, or have a warm cup of hot chocolate after a walk on a cold day. Want a 4x4 that you just know will get you out of trouble (So long as it starts) then get the L322
Back to the op. I guess it depends what you want to do with the vehicle. Looking at using the vehicle rather than the normal which engine. Want a reasonable 4x4 that will pull a trailer and get you up most hills and out of most fields at eventing,? Do you have dogs that will stay when the tailgate is open , or happy for everything in a heavily laden boot to fall out when wanting just a pair of muck boots out then RRS is ok.
Whilst I believe the towing capacity is the same as an l322 , I have never seen one , in use, in proper conditions, manage as well as an l322. By this I mean in the world of horses, dogs and muddy fields. ...........I refer back to what you want to do with it.
Want a unreliable but great when working 4x4, which will pull the other so called 4x4s out of the field at an event? One that will allow you to open part of the tail gate, so excitable dogs, or even more excitable shopping, riding gear, dog stuff, doesn't escape ( have you seen how quickly shopping tries to get out of a car when the boot is opened?!) Oh and not forgetting, allow you to get the dogs and the riding gear in the rear, without making it uncomfortable for the dogs. One that will willingly give you a seat, with no windscreen to obstruct you, or cubby coming between you and your loved one, to watch a beautiful sunset, or have a warm cup of hot chocolate after a walk on a cold day. Want a 4x4 that you just know will get you out of trouble (So long as it starts) then get the L322
Sounding like a radio advert for the L322.:p
Back to the op. I guess it depends what you want to do with the vehicle. Looking at using the vehicle rather than the normal which engine. Want a reasonable 4x4 that will pull a trailer and get you up most hills and out of most fields at eventing,? Do you have dogs that will stay when the tailgate is open , or happy for everything in a heavily laden boot to fall out when wanting just a pair of muck boots out then RRS is ok.
Whilst I believe the towing capacity is the same as an l322 , I have never seen one , in use, in proper conditions, manage as well as an l322. By this I mean in the world of horses, dogs and muddy fields. ...........I refer back to what you want to do with it.
Want a unreliable but great when working 4x4, which will pull the other so called 4x4s out of the field at an event? One that will allow you to open part of the tail gate, so excitable dogs, or even more excitable shopping, riding gear, dog stuff, doesn't escape ( have you seen how quickly shopping tries to get out of a car when the boot is opened?!) Oh and not forgetting, allow you to get the dogs and the riding gear in the rear, without making it uncomfortable for the dogs. One that will willingly give you a seat, with no windscreen to obstruct you, or cubby coming between you and your loved one, to watch a beautiful sunset, or have a warm cup of hot chocolate after a walk on a cold day. Want a 4x4 that you just know will get you out of trouble (So long as it starts) then get the L322
Romantic! I'm going to give my bus a hug.:p;)

Oh and buy yourself an Audi Q7.:eek:
Crikey... thanks everyone...

I think.

Sorry for my I’ll-advised ‘Vogue’ness

So.... can anyone recomend a good used dealer/ place to start looking, or is it a case of pulling the Auto Trader lever and hoping for the best.
Crikey... thanks everyone...

I think.

Sorry for my I’ll-advised ‘Vogue’ness

So.... can anyone recomend a good used dealer/ place to start looking, or is it a case of pulling the Auto Trader lever and hoping for the best.
Do a bit of home work on some of the garages who stock them. Especially a garage who deals in them second hand.
As said, if you can find someone you trust who can help you view and check one over or a garage you've trusted. All that help can form an educated choice when spending you hard earned!:eek:;)
may i also add what’s already been mentioned

check out the MOT history and a full HPi check

I've been a life long fan of all things Land Rover, but I've never bitten the bullet.

The time has come for me to replace my 2007 VW Touareg and I was going to chop it in for an X5... until I found myself looking at Vogues and RR Sports on Autotrader.

Of course I've read all of the horror stories about the Range Rover reliability issues, but I still keep coming back to the idea...

Ideally I'd like either a Vogue or a RR Sport; great condition, one owner, 2010 onwards with a full J/LR service history and a low mileage (less than 70k)

I've got 15-18k to play with

I am not a mechanic and don't have mechanic chums :(

So my question to you wonderful people is.... Am I barking mad?

Would I be able to get a car that fits my criteria?

Will keeping it on the road cripple me financially?

If you think it is possible, where should I be looking to find my dream car? I'm based in West London but happy to travel.

Also, when I've found the car, what is the best way to ensure it's not a stinker? AA/RAC? Or can anyone recommend another organisation/spanner jockey who can guide me through the oily darkness?

Help me LR enthusiasts... you're my only hope!!!

Buy German - save the pain !
Crikey... thanks everyone...

I think.

Sorry for my I’ll-advised ‘Vogue’ness

So.... can anyone recomend a good used dealer/ place to start looking, or is it a case of pulling the Auto Trader lever and hoping for the best.

AutoTrader, eBay, car sourcer, gumtree, local traders, etc, etc. Just search everywhere and anywhere. Arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible. Make up your mind what you want then go looking. She'll turn up eventually.
I bought mine from an independent garage approx 500 miles away. The trade and sale was done over internet and phone.
Drive many of them and get a feel for good and bad. You'll probably love the first one you test drive even if it isn't a great example!
Probably preaching to the converted but make sure you buy on a credit card, or at least put the deposit down using one, section 75 of the consumer credit act makes the card company equally liable if you buy a pup from a dealer who doesn't play ball where your rights are concerned.
Granted. I got the best of both then :p P38 AND Vogue trim.

Even better, I got a Classic 3.5efi that comes without propensity to slip liners, no fancy VCU to seize, metal suspension, no plethora of electronics AND Vouge trim :p:p
Back to the OP I'd offer this pearl of wisdom, once out of warranty any used model costs the same as a new one to service, maintain & repair if you are reliant on dealers etc. so perhaps that should be your guiding light.
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Even better, I got a Classic 3.5efi that comes without propensity to slip liners, no fancy VCU to seize, metal suspension, no plethora of electronics AND Vouge trim :p:p
I think you have a real beauty there then. Congrats!
The mention about buying on the credit card is a good one, we have had a few members on here who have bought a motor that has turned out to be a dog and the dealer has not played nicely till the card company got involved, it took a while but was sorted in the end, there is a thread in one of the other sections called Buying a crock of sh1te which is good info on your rights.
FFS L322 would be my suggestion.
not really happy with the diesel but I am biased..
Make sure it is spot on with full service paperwork that really shows its been looked after properly and plan to do the same.
best of luck...

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