
New Member
Hi, would anyone know how to remove the old drivers side heated mirror in order to replace it? I'm a bit worried that If I do it wrong I'll snap the plastic clips in the housing.
I had to change mine recently and the plastic fitting did break but i got a new one only a couple of quid which happend to break while fitting the glass to it so i just left it as the glass seemed secure
Tony, when you removed the mirror from the housing how did you go about doing it? Did you just pry it loose? Or do you have to turn the mirror inwards and get your fingers in behind it to work it loose? Do you twist the mirror towards the left or right? Or are you supposed to push up or down until it releases?
Tony, when you removed the mirror from the housing how did you go about doing it? Did you just pry it loose? Or do you have to turn the mirror inwards and get your fingers in behind it to work it loose? Do you twist the mirror towards the left or right? Or are you supposed to push up or down until it releases?

Ok I figured it out. Use about 50 ml of any spray lubricant to loosen things up. Then push the outside of the mirror inwards. Use a bicycle tire lever to wedge in behind the mirror and shift towards the vehicle. Then Wedge the bicycle lever on the bottom side shifting up and then back again to the outside of the mirror shifting the weight towards the vehicle. Mirror pops out, disconnect the 2 wire leads and re-insert new mirror.
Seeing that mirror specialists gather here, I would like to ask whether there is an adjustment for mirrors on LHD vs. RHD vehicles. Mine is a the exact same Disco model. I replaced the right (for me passenger side LHD) mirror and it folds out just a bit too far, pulling it back every time I fold it out is a pain.
thanks and apologies for pirating the thread...
Hausi did you replace the entire assembly? if you did this is what's been suggested as the proper method.

Complete assembly (Mirror and housing)
Service repair no - 76.11.10
1. Disconnect battery negative lead.
2. Carefully prise off interior finisher to reveal retaining plate and securing screws.
3. Disconnect electrical plug.
4. Supporting the mirror assembly remove three securing screws and retaining plate.
5. Detach mirror assembly from outer door frame.

6. Reverse removal procedure.

NOTE: To prevent damage to the electrical lead ensure that it is not pushed down inside the door casing.

I fitted the new mirror according to the RAVE cd, no problem. The only thing that bothers me is that when it snaps into the folded-out position it is a bit too far forward so have to pull it back a bit.

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