when i lived in scotland i used to drink i a pub in grangemouth. . some **** puked up . so the barman threw some sawdust on it and decided to clean it up later.
bit late on a couple of english tourists came in, one of them says to the other one" look at that. what kind of place is this? they even have sawdust on the floor"
one of the local bears overheard the comment and retorted with " sawdust, my arse!! that was a table at opening time"
the englishmen took a look at him and decided that they would go some where else for a drink. laugh?? i nearly got the smokes out!
A perfect example of that subtle Scots wit in action.
Australian tourists are best. Tell them that a haggis has two shorter legs on one side of it's body so it can only run round and round the hill and they lap it up. There was a bunch of Aussies in the pub one night and it began to snow, you should have seen them all run outside to see it.
Was going to send ant0151 a p.m. today inviting him to come back on the forum to play. Sadly he seems to no longer have this facility. Gutted.

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