I've heard some LPG users recommend that you run on petrol for a hundred miles or so after every 2nd refill of LPG to help lubricate the valves. Dunno if this is true but I would run my Kia on petrol every so often.

Like I said, I've never had LPG before so as an outsider/ beginner with this can't say there is any issue with it day to day. I keep switching from gas to petrol now and again coz someone said it helps to keep both systems flowing..(who knows.!). My only little gripe is the lack of filling points and they do seem to be getting fewer..but that maybe just down here in Cornwall.
I've heard some LPG users recommend that you run on petrol for a hundred miles or so after every 2nd refill of LPG to help lubricate the valves. Dunno if this is true but I would run my Kia on petrol every so often.

I've heard this too, but I'm not convinced. Maybe in the days when we were running 4 star.
I think it's more important to give the petrol injectors some extended use to keep them in good order, more than just the first mile warm up
Maybe this is why I've not needed flashlube.
I often run out of lpg and won't go out of my way to fill up so quite often gets half a tank of petrol through it.
Also, if you floor it, it changes over to petrol for extra punch which probably helps.
Maybe this is why I've not needed flashlube.
I often run out of lpg and won't go out of my way to fill up so quite often gets half a tank of petrol through it.
Also, if you floor it, it changes over to petrol for extra punch which probably helps.
Didn't realise about the extra 'punch' .. must try that.!
Maybe this is why I've not needed flashlube.
I often run out of lpg and won't go out of my way to fill up so quite often gets half a tank of petrol through it.
Also, if you floor it, it changes over to petrol for extra punch which probably helps.
Might give it a go later today..
Might give it a go later today..
On mine, you can set it so that above a certain injector pulse width it switches over to petrol. You normally have to have a couple of cycles of overlap between the two though or it clunks when it switches over.
You can feel it switch on mine at about 4k RPM if your foot is buried in the shag pile.
On mine, you can set it so that above a certain injector pulse width it switches over to petrol. You normally have to have a couple of cycles of overlap between the two though or it clunks when it switches over.
You can feel it switch on mine at about 4k RPM if your foot is buried in the shag pile.
Anybody know what the hell he's on about.. ..just thought I'd take it out and bend the accelerator pedal..

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