
New Member
hi guys i am close now to being a range rover driver i am looking at two lpg converted p38's 4.6 hse and a 4.0 have not viewed these yet the owner of the 4.6 says its a multi point system but the guy with the 4l does not know .. i know this will sound a daft question but is the a way of looking at engine and telling which one it is please.... ?? thanks
oh is it adviseable to have a single point i have heard its not i need some advise need to sort deal out by end of week thanks chaps
You are looking for big trouble with a single point system on a P38.

Only go for a Multipoint fully sequential system.
Pretty sure a multipoint sequential system will have a seperate injector for each cylinder - each one tapped directly into the inlet manifold. That's what mine's got.

A single point (I think) just has a feed into the air intake. These are not recommended for the P38 although some people don't seem to have any problems with them.

The installation certificate should specify the system - you don't really need one, but it's useful to know that it was installed and certificated professionally. Some insurers want to see this although I've never been asked to produce mine.
Interesting Topic, and one which I was about to post a question on too...hope you don't mind me butting in on this one Brummie?
I just bought a 4.0 P38, and will soon be installing a lpg system for obvious reasons.....who does the best system and what sort of spondoolies are we talkin about?...Any advice would be much appreciated.
General opinion is that multipoint is better its a more modern setup. It will have an injector tapped into each branch of the intake manifold. Single point as the name inplys has a single jet between the MAF and plenum. Most installers will do multipoint type on a new install. Expect to pay anything up to £2k.
Having said that mine is a single point system and hasnt had any problems in my 18 months of ownership and it has been installed for nearly 10 years now.
The P38 engine management system (Gems & Thor) is a complex, closed loop system which automatically adjusts fuelling and ignition depending on the "Live" information fed back from various sensors. When a fully sequential closed loop system is fitted, it forms part of the existing loop and the fuelling etc. is adjusted in the same way as if running on petrol when fuelling adjustments are controlled to each bank of injectors. With LPG mix fed into the Plenum, individual bank fuelling cannot be controlled, plus the variation in fuelling cannot be controlled by the engine ECU based on the "Live" information.
It is well known that P38's can, and do suffer from overheating problems and incorrect fuellin does play an important part in the problem.
Trying to carry out any major engine modification "On the cheap" is only waiting for a can of worms to open.
thanks for all the info guys will see i am looking at the 4.6 hse multi point wednesday and prob the 4.0 single thursday if i dont do a deal wed. but i know the other is a guatranteed swap with my volvo and i wanna range rover bad so might just take the gamble i have looked over several sites regarding this single point and seem to be more doing well than not... I.E discomalc no problems with his
Having said mine is running fine, unless there is some other major plus for the single point 4.0 i would take the sequential 4.6 every time.
And its well known Irish dislkes almost any mods done to rangies and loathes LPG
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Having said mine is running fine, unless there is some other major plus for the single point 4.0 i would take the sequential 4.6 every time.
And its well known Irish dislkes almost any mods done to rangies and loathes LPG


Correct !!!....I make no secret of it :D:D

Given the option though and the complexity of the P38, there is only one choice and that is Fully Sequential.
Single point is for the older V8's that don't have closed loop monitoring.

I'm not too keen on diesels running on used chip oil either !!!
What model is the 4.0?

If you really want a Rangie then you'll probably regret it if you don't go for all the bells and whistles (although most of them probably won't work :))

Don't let the seller fob you off with the lpg - it seems to add no value to the car whatsoever so watch the pricing. It might make it slightly easier to sell, but check places like Autotrader if you don't believe me.

And don't forget all the other things to check on these before you decide on one.
thanks KOOKY GUY funny thing is i am straight swapping for my volvo s60 2.0t. 2001 i have checked into how much they(volvo) go for and i would be lucky to get any where near 1k local garage said £800 which is why i may go for the single point for now and maybe move it on and go for something else...4.0 se
:5bcheers2:my 4.6 runs well on single point lpg
well it runs well when it runs
its p38 so not always run well

is my english understable as from most hated country
gues witch one
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I have a BiGas mulitpoint LPG system fitted in my P38. I ran it on petrol for a year when I bought it and took the plunge almost 3 years ago best thing I ever did.
do you think it worth the gamble to swap for the single point it must be worth more(priced them up on ebay autotrader etc) than my volvo(£800-900) is and perhaps i could up grade to a multi point or sell on and buy another diesel or multi... oh by the way its a p reg 4.0 v8 se
At the end of the day its up to you. As for selling on later if the dealer thought he could get a better deal why is he offering you the swap. Answer is not many people are looking to buy big v8s and the P38 has a poor reputation on reliability. You could find that the single point runs fine and there are no problems with the rest of the car. or it could be a dog.
As i said previously the sequential is a more modern system and you dont say the age of the car its ftted to but i would guess its newer than P reg. If the price is that much of a problem perhaps p38 isnt the way to go it wont be cheap to maintain and even running on gas it will soon empty your wallet if you do any sort of mileage in it
its a p reg 150k he used to use it to to a trailer for fishing trips but now no longer goes so just wanted to have a smaller car i sort of know him through a friend of a friend so it is a legit reason why he changing and he knows i wanted a range.. its had work done like suspension pump and bags.. new radiator.. part of the exhaust i have not seen it though as yet apart from some very detailed close up pictures, body wise it looks very clean and tidy he has looked after it well. as for mileage of what i would use it for just mainly used around local and perhaps a 100 mile trip to relatives down south maybe once or twice a year.. like i said earlier would it be possible to up grade from single to another convertion on the range ? and what sort of cost would it be?
The gas tank and the pipework can be used in an upgrade, i was quoted £800 just over a year ago to get mine changed to sequential multipoint. Decided not to bother as all is running ok as it is.
Sounds to me as if you have pretty much made your mind up already, go and have a close look. Do a search on here there have been plenty of posts about what to look out for when buying. Good luck, if you get a good one you will love it, if you get a dog you will become a proficient mechanic and then love it anyway

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