Hi All,

Been nearly a year since I sold my L322 3.6TdV8 and I am now getting the itch back to buy another! I have been running a Nissan Elgrand with an LPG conversion and after enjoying the petrol engine and the saving s with LPG I think this time around i would like a petrol Range Rover Vogue!

Does anyone have any knowledge of LPG and which engine is better to convert? The 4.2 Supercharged or the 5.0 Supercharged?

I have had contrasting views from 2 LPG installers,

First one said that the 5.0 is the better engine for LPG as the 4.2 suffers from worn valves etc when converted. The second totally disagreed and said that the 4.2 was better and as long as you had electronic lubricator fitted the worn valves wouldn't happen. He never said that the 5.0 was worse but with it being direct injection and the fact only 1 company does a kit for it he would recommend an LPG system on the 4.2.

I have a Range Rover Classic 3.9 V8 and wouldn't convert that to LPG but the Vogue will be a daily runner and although a petrol would be my 1st choice if I can't get some good advice from the guys in the know on this forum then it'll be back to the decision of 3.6 or 4.4 diesel!!

So if you can help I'd love to hear from anyone with a conversion done on either a 4.2 or 5.0 and Thanks in advance for any replies!!
you'll have to hang in, our advice lines are busy at the moment!
hell of a choice, id love the 5.0
super-tarmac-charger myself, but hey, not in a month wife shopping days!! :p
you'll have to hang in, our advice lines are busy at the moment!
hell of a choice, id love the 5.0
super-tarmac-charger myself, but hey, not in a month wife shopping days!! :p

I'd love the 5.0 too but I'm working to a budget and because i do a lot of miles the LPG is a must so I would rather find out more about the possible problems with either engine before I just jump in and buy one (Thats what i usually do). Getting the 5.0 really is pushing the budget to the limit tbh:)
Seem to remember Saint saying that the jag v8's don't lpg well. Not sure if these are the jag or beemer engines you're talking about?
I'd listen to the second installer.

As for size...4.2 or 5.0, I'd plump for the 4.2 as they are really coming down in price now, no point in having a 5.0 in your drive if you over reach budget wise.
You need minimum 1-2k set aside for incidentals and a credit card for oh poop moments.
Seem to remember Saint saying that the jag v8's don't lpg well. Not sure if these are the jag or beemer engines you're talking about?

Neither am I tbh, I just know that the 2 choices i have are the 4.2 Supercharged and the 5.0 Supercharged. Spoke with a dealer and he said I shouldn't LPG a 4.4 V8 as the valves aren't as strong as a Supercharged model? But thats why I thought i would ask the guys on here as you can get some real life experience from owners rather than installers and people trying to sell you the car!!
@BigDave1980, the 4.4 is a BMW engine, perfectly happy on LPG.
It's all in the decimal point, 4.4 is Bimmer, 4.2 and 5.0 is Jaaaag.
So, are the jag engines (i.e. 4.2 and 5.0) OK to lpg? I'm sure Saint said not but he didn't elaborate as I wasn't really looking for a later model so I'd have been looking at a 4.4
Well waz, far as I can see the market is awash with 4.2s converted to LPG, that in itself is no guarantee of course but I'm sure any modern engine can take the happy gas, it's just some need additional valve lube.
I'm certainly no expert, in fact the only reason I write here at all is to improve my 2 finger typing in case I end up in call centre after a life of sheer joy and ecstasy at giving 9-5 the 2 fingers. I invariably end up doing 9-9 so I furqd up really.
What was the question?;)
@BigDave1980, the 4.4 is a BMW engine, perfectly happy on LPG.
It's all in the decimal point, 4.4 is Bimmer, 4.2 and 5.0 is Jaaaag.

Thanks @myfirstl322 I was hoping for some clear advice on the subject and I have spoke with the LPG installer again and he is quite adamant that he would prefer to work on the 4.2 Supercharged and he has converted quite a few with no problems with valves as long as they have the electronic lubricator and are calibrated manually and not automatically like some installer do.

I'm going to wait and see but this installer fixed a bad LPG conversion for me in the past and seems very knowledgeable on LPG so I might just go with my gut and trust that he knows his job and if he is sure he can get the right system to ensure that VSR isn't a problem. Or I might just take the easier option of buying a dirty diesel!!
Clean your mouth out, Dirty Doozle indeed....
Seem to remember Saint saying that the jag v8's don't lpg well. Not sure if these are the jag or beemer engines you're talking about?
So, are the jag engines (i.e. 4.2 and 5.0) OK to lpg? I'm sure Saint said not but he didn't elaborate as I wasn't really looking for a later model so I'd have been looking at a 4.4

lol, sorry Waz, couldn't resist.
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@BigDave1980, the last thing I want is anyone to agree with me, but I like the cut of the jib of the installer who knows the 4.2 Jaaaag.
You can usually smell ****e but in this instance all I can smell is proper greasy spanners.
If you mention diesel again I'm opening another bottle! Think of the wee bairns, you have a duty to instil the virtues of V8s, don't muddy the waters.
@BigDave1980, the last thing I want is anyone to agree with me, but I like the cut of the jib of the installer who knows the 4.2 Jaaaag.
You can usually smell ****e but in this instance all I can smell is proper greasy spanners.
If you mention diesel again I'm opening another bottle! Think of the wee bairns, you have a duty to instil the virtues of V8s, don't muddy the waters.

It's always been a diesel I have owned but I have always wanted a petrol version, with the mileage I do with my boxing club it would have been a no go! But having run the Elgrand for a year on LPG I think now is the time to have a V8 petrol
As long as a Flash Lube system is fitted and setup correctly, the Jaaaaag engines will convert - but keep that Flash Lube bottle topped up.

They suffer badly from valve seat regression otherwise.
As long as a Flash Lube system is fitted and setup correctly, the Jaaaaag engines will convert - but keep that Flash Lube bottle topped up.

They suffer badly from valve seat regression otherwise.

Thanks for the information @Saint.V8. This has just about made my mind up (Like it wasn't made up already haha)
Even better, get a flashlube bottle that let's you know when it's nearly empty.......surely the 'tronic ones have a low level indicator?
Personally I would steer clear of LPG on all models, rarely do the sums truly add up. However you need to be clear on what you are looking to buy. A Range Rover "Vogue" is a trim level, not a model. You are looking at Range Rover L322's. The "Supercharged" is also actually a trim model, although most of the time its the same as the Vogue SE trim level with a few bits of S/C trim and rear lights etc.

If it has a Supercharged engine of any size its an AJV8 or Jaguar engine.

MY02 to MY05 the only petrol engine was a BWW 4.4 M62 engine. Of all models this seems the most accepting of the devils gas.

MY06 onwards also had the option (confusingly) of a 4.4 AJV8 NA engine, more powerful than the BMW 4.4 M62 engine but apparently does not take gas as well as the M62. The easiest way to tell from outside is the headlights will be the later type on an AJV8 but many older M62 engind cars have face lifts nailed onto them so the best way is to get an under bonnet picture and then you will know.

Despite the M62 being better at taking gas, it comes with the fairly poor 5 speed gearbox and the older navigation system etc older dash cluster and unless its very cheap these days its probably best avoided.

Generally the sweet spot for reliability is considered be the MY07 onwards supercharged machines, generally the least to go wrong and MY07 brought in terrain response and the updated interior which helps quality and brings them a little more up to date.
Not entirely sure wot Quavey is saying......but buy a S/C already converted and you are immediately propelled into positive equity.

Devil gas...what a stupid statement.

I ran my Bimmer propelled L322 on Lpg and it was not only faultless but as cheap as a Vectra at the pumps.

Also, LPG is the cleanest available dino product available bar none.:cool:
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