
New Member
thinking of changing my girlfriends freelander for a v8 lpg disco but my local LR specialist says there are problems with lpg running hotter and a lack of lubrication. Is anyone running lpg and can you help.
People wun't use it if it wuz rubbish. You'll get more MPG from Efi's than carbs, but either'll run fine.
hope it's not a main dealer tellin' yer that:eek:
phone round mate ask a few lpg fitters, you might get a different story altogether.
and a better price;)
thanks it wasn't a main dealer, won't go near one of those places. Its a specialist landrover service and restoration place in Alnwick. They're usually pretty good but i suppose they can only comment on the vehicles they've had in. No my nearest main dealer is in Newcastle- what a bunch of half witted haven't got a clue about landrover or how to spanner something rip off thieving f*@!ers they are!!!!
my nearest main dealer is in Newcastle- what a bunch of half witted haven't got a clue about landrover or how to spanner something rip off thieving f*@!ers they are!!!!

Your nearest main dealer sounds really good compared to most of the others!
Had to laugh at the last comment !
I have a v8 lpg disco 2 and it gets around 30miles per gallon(work ltrs if you want to) if anything the gas runs colder so in the winter takes longer to switch to gas but still cheeper to run than my disco 1 deisel.
Cheers Mike
Get one that's been converted badly and you'll regret it, get a good 'un and you'll love it! V8 power (and noise!) with diesel economy. I get the equivalent of 30 mpg too although have seen up to 40 on a run (1994 3.9).

Check for backfiring if a mixer ring system is fitted by flooring it after it's been on the overun; also check for anything more than a SLIGHT loss of power on gas. Also bear in mind that your range will probably be no more than 200 miles (depending on what tanks are fitted).

My radiator was partly blocked when I did the conversion and I noticed it running slightly hotter on gas, but after a new rad there is NO difference. I think the lubrication issue is to do with valve seats on certain engines, but not as far as I know, the Rover V8.
If you get a conversion you want to go for a multipoint(8 pipes, 1 to each cylinder)
I have 2x 40 ltr tanks where the petrol tank was and a smaller petrol tank and a 30 ltr tank along under the drivers sill.
I get just under 300 miles for a fill up 100ltrs.:)
I've got a M reg V8 3.9 Discovery and whilst I love the drive I do have a slight mis-fire and a very inconsistant fuel reading. But at 0.43p a litre I try not to worry too much about it.
Or should I!!
Do the conversion but make sure it's done well.
Running on LPG requires more from the HT system (harder to jump the spark gap on gas versus petrol). I've heard some people recommend replacing the HT leads, dizzy cap and rotor arm yearly, with genuine parts as the V8s don't like pattern HT parts.
Kind of takes away some of the saving!!! I find that different filling stations put different amounts of gas into the tank - I can get a 200 mile range using some pumps but only 150 from others. Some take AGES to fill also. (All are slower than petrol).
Get one that's been converted badly and you'll regret it, get a good 'un and you'll love it! V8 power (and noise!) with diesel economy. I get the equivalent of 30 mpg too although have seen up to 40 on a run (1994 3.9)...............

I think the lubrication issue is to do with valve seats on certain engines, but not as far as I know, the Rover V8.

The valve seat issue on LPG is more an issue with using a fuel that is NOT LEADED, and a fuel that is extremely DRY.

Because of these aspects, heat transfer from the valve HEAD to the valve SEAT may not be quite as good as it might be, and the valves may run a tad hotter than usual. What a blooming shame, huh?

If you start off with a cylinder head that is OK to run on UNLEADED petrol you'll have no trouble. As the Rover V-8 engine has an alloy head, it also must have hard steel (or cast iron) valve seats pressed in, so that should be OK too.

We're beginning to run out of problems now!


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