
New Member
Hi all has anyone got any suggestions please.
I recently had a very flay battery and had to use unlock code.(sorry, 96 P38)
The wonderful AA man put 2 fuses in the wrong place, 1 which powered the LPG system. That fuse blew and since then not switching to lpg.
have read that the lpg system now needs reprogramming because of the blown fuse. Its a Pegaso Bigas system.
Can anyone shed any light please.:Cry:
And yes I agree with the usual suggestion, a gallon and a match.
I dont know if Gav is still on here but try a pm to Gavbrigs heis a bit of a wiz on lpg sorry cant help more
Is it a single or multipoint? if single point theres a a valve on the pipe from the vaporiser to engine inlet that can lose its memory setting and go back to default if the battery is flat or disconnected.
I cant remember the part name off the top of my head, but i do not think its stepper motor. When i get home i will find out what its called, so it will still run on petrol? if its single that could e the problem if its multi im even more clueless on that haha
still runs on petrol, well did. Just went out and started her ok but revs at 1500 for some strange reason. turned her off, went to restart and nothing, turns but not firing.
It could be as simple as a flat battery or poor battery and have you checked your alternator is charging and the leads from the battery to alt and alt to starter are in good shape and not corroded they corrode internally
Could be a simple as a duff earth !
I had the same with my erm erm erm motor ( on lpg ) your ignition system needs to be spot on for lpg to work and quite often when your lpg goes potty not far down the line a problem appears e.i not starting , rough idle !!! I put a wire direct from starter to neg on battery , started first time ! NOT A FIX but did allow for a diagnosis !!!
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if its is now not running at all the lpg system has a injector cut system for the petrol when running on lpg. does the switch light up? have you tried replacing the fuse with the correct one?
Had similar probs a while back with my singlepoint lpg.
Think you had the answer in your first post, LPG has a reprogrammable ecu, a spark (Fuse blowing) or a flat battery can make it forget its settings. Take it to an lpg fitter he can reprogramme in 10 mins and if not tell you what the problem is. If hes willing you can ask him to save the settings for you on a memory stick and then get yourself a cable, next time it goes it can be rewritten from your laptop.

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