
New Member
Can anyone help...when my car has heated up and she has switched over to lpg, if i slow down for a junction or roundabout then stop the cars revs drop right off then stalls?? she does not do this when running on petrol. I have changed both lamdba sensors anyhow but still keeps dropping off when slowing right down nearing a stop.
the more i read these (numerous) posts about LPG the more I am inclined to think its more trouble than it is worth.
I do believe its a simple thing to rectify, just thinking if i will be able to do the adjustment myself. She runs sweet on lpg even the other partner has had his converted and he dosnt look back. Cheers
Lpg systems need servicing - very few are,and usually go off lean.They have filters which will block and the vaporisers gunge up with heavy ends and the diaphrams go soggy.
Plus most systems are not set up correctly from when they are fitted,cos the price is hammered to the ground leaving little or no time for tuning.
Well this only started to happen since i got the lgp system serviced a few weeks ago so prob best i just take it back to them so they can sort it out. Dont know if its poss for me to adjust the tuning myself???
im going to get mine sorted this weekend hopefully ant seem to get hold of the garage at the mo. Im sure its just running lean and needs tweeking. It was fine before i had the system serviced etc. Ill let you know if you like what the score is....bloody stressful eh.
im afraid i jsut havnt had the time and i did not get hold of the garage, i had bigger probs lately, i had the head gasket done along with the heater o rings and now while driving i get all dash lights come on and guages drop off etc, any ideas yourself? one thing after the other, prob going to sell it to be honest.
The more i read these posts about LPG problems the more I am inclined to think its more trouble than it is worth. Im glad i went for a dieael RR even though its slower than the V8's :rolleyes:
cant argue with what equates to 36mpg for a v8 on lpg though. Plus diesel is literally through the roof. some places here in cornwall its £1.09!!!

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