
My Disco1 has developed yet another problem, at low speed about 30 mph and only under power ( accelerating ) a bad vibration throug the front half of the car,
I had two weeks of my Trouble free motoring I feel special.
My Disco1 has developed yet another problem, at low speed about 30 mph and only under power ( accelerating ) a bad vibration throug the front half of the car,
I had two weeks of my Trouble free motoring I feel special.

UJ's, prop sliders stiff, if 300 rear donut all need checking.

Also diff flange input bearings and transfer box output flange bearings, and check that the prop to flange nuts and bolts are tight!
I would have said UJ's or prop related too, you need to check ASAP as it will probably get worse and worse until it goes bang.
'course, it could also be as simple as a loose wheel, a loose wheel bearing, a broken or on the way CV joint, or diff, or worn bushes all over the place, any number of things, poor injector or injectors, bad timing, harmonic damper fell off, chimps jumping about in the back, unevenly worn tyres, incorrect pressures in tyres, unbalanced wheels, different wheels, broken fan blade, almost any number of things and they could be anywhere on the vehicle.

So in the hours between your first post and second, have you checked and ruled anything out?
Should rule out injectors and trimming it seems to come underneath and not from engine compartment,I do have a spaniel in the back but even he's not that bouncy. Regarding props/ joints should there be any play and is so how much.
Mine does this and has done for quite a while now. Happens at the same speed but much more prominant in 4th. jamesmartin suggested could be layshaft and it well could be, but it could also be anything paul has suggested. If you can't figure it out, and no one else can either, just let it go bang... then you'll know and you can fix it.

(thats good advice right guys?) ¯\(0_o)/¯
Should rule out injectors and trimming it seems to come underneath and not from engine compartment,I do have a spaniel in the back but even he's not that bouncy. Regarding props/ joints should there be any play and is so how much.

Sorry but 'it seems to come' doesn't cut it much with Landrovers, they're a bunch of tubes welded together, a great medium to transfer sound and vibration ...

There's always some play, my front wheels turn about 20 degrees ish before the prop turns, then another few degrees before the tranny box turns ... rear wheels are a lot tighter, maybe only 5 degrees!

The UJ's should only move with the bearings with no knocking, or binding, the best way to test them is using a crow bar or large screwdriver, or take the prop off!
I have the same issue on my Disco. 3rd gear at about 25mph only on a slight uphill. Its drivetrain for sure, UJs most likely as has been said just remove a prop, put in difflock and take it for a drive to check for vibes.
An update ,whilst waiting for the rear doughnut to arrive there's a squeak from what appears to be under the gearbox so it's looking like front prop UJ's need replacing too.
UJ's should have no play in them whatsoever. So get underneath your Disco and give the propshaft a good wiggle and twist. If they're ok, get your grease gun out to make sure they stay that way. Grease your props too while you're under there.
If there are any cracks in the rear donut then change it, especially as they can fail without warning.
Having a prop shaft fall off is a very unpleasant experience, as I once found out.
also while underneath, give the handbrake drum and equipment a glance, on the off chance something may have become loose.

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