
Active Member
I have noticed a problem in the last few days with a lack of power at low revs on my 55 plate TD4. To start with, when pulling away, axcept when cold, it seems to need an excessive number of revs to pull away than you would expect, and it is not dragging brakes, just a lack of power. Even the wife has noticed it !!!
Further to this, after a run, and left to tick over, the engine seem like it is 'hunting' with the tickover erratic, once it gets the turbo going everthing appears normal power wise, :confused:.
Any suggestions on where to start looking, other than a match box or lighter, thanks.
Yes when no load or once the turbo comes in, no problem. I have improved matters by adjusting the MAFAM, which I fitted about 2 years ago, but is now outside Ron's recommended settings.
Maybe it's time for a synergy.
Does it sound like your MAF has gone completely? If you are outside the recommended limits I don't think a synergy will help as the MAF part will be the same and the power will just shove more fuel down it.

Any black smoke?
No black smoke, and the maf sensor came with the MAFAM and was supposed to be more reliable than the standard one it replaced.
The origonal problem turned out to be the fuel pump in the end, not the sensor, but I left the MAFAM on any way, if it gets worse I will try the origonal sensor again, as it appears it was still working ok, to see what happens.
After 2 years in semi retirement , I start a job next week, so funds may appear for a synergy if I think it needs it, scare the crap out of the wife :D
Further to above - I have just had a longish run, the first since adjusting the MAFAM, the problem is reduced but still there. Pulling away from a standstill is far better, and acceleration is still good, but it is when it is cruising the hesitation starts, as soon as you put you foot down, even a little bit, it runs smooth again. I tried disconnecting the MAF and that made no difference at all.:confused:
Wiv Angeloc - if disconnecting the MAF don't make it run worse (using ECU defaults instead of real data) then the MAF's well past it's best. Try another one or replace?
Another recent thread re. hunting suggests injector seals?
Have you tried running injector cleaner thro'?
Running a cleaner through had crossed my mind, I will try it and refit the sensor I removed when I fitted the MAFAM, see what happens. Another thing I heard when i switched the ignition on was the fuel pump, shouldn't it cut out after a few seconds.
Low revs and no power = it either thinks it's a diesel Range Rover or your MAF is shot.
Have you tried cleaning inside the MAF?
Changed back to the origonal MAF, still the same. Putting it on a putah to see if anything comes up.
my td4 was a bit slugish to drive away after starup until i changed the breather for the bmw mod seems to be fine now and have a little more grunt at low revs,,jay
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The putah tells us no logged faults, but did state that the MAF reading was 2/3 of what it expected. Wife took it shopping and said the performance was getting worse, so have refitted MAFAM and cranked the setting up to nearly maximum and is running better but not perfect. It would seem to indicate that the MAF seems to be the problem. I think it is time to have a check on EGR, breather filter and all the rest of the 'toys' to see if performance improves and then look at fitting a Synergy.
Further news - fitted a new Peirburg MAF, supposedly a replacement for origonal, doesn't want to rev at all, connected mafam and set to mid position, lots better but not perfect, and performance not special all round. Disconnected air pipe from EGR, all performance reinstated, goes like a train, but cannot see reason why, any suggesstions.
Oh no its not, today, good when starts and pulls away but rapidly turns into excrement :confused: with an instument panel that looks like Blackpool illuminations
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Latest - just tries all three of the MAFs, the origonal, Rover Rons Peirburg and MAFAM(performing the best) and the so called straight Peirburg replacement, with various responses, non of them curing the problem and the engine management light with the question mark,the one on the right is now on, so I have come to the decision that it is NOT the MAF. It may mean a trip to the stealers to find out what codes are indicated. Any body got any ideas as I am running out fast.:confused:
At last appears to be cured, and it would seem to be the fuel pressure sensor plug. After I have removed it cleaned the contacts and then fitted and removed a few times, all appears to be back to normal, at the moment.:)

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