Wow...... What a read. Just spent what seems like hours reading it all.

I have some things to look at now and will spend some time under the front of the car tomorrow to find those marks.

It did seem the timing made a difference to the power and the way he describes his performance is certainly not how I describe mine, so I feel like I'm on the right track and looking forward to driving my Discovery at full power. :)
It was not obvious and took a few pages to get to the bit I needed.

I probably would have overlooked that post because of the size, if it was not on the first couple of pages.

Thanks for pointing it out to me though. :)
check mechanical and vac advance working.

mechanical advance block vac pipe and with engine running you'll see it advance with a strobe.
vac pipe sucked you can see inside distributor moving or on strobe timing light
go in to the kitchen steal the wifes new washing up spounge with scouwerer on the top get under the vehcile and armed with some wd40 scrub the damper on the crank pulley using a deep 15/16" scoket and ratchet turn the pulley and clean till you find the marks and that is the best you can do
I did get the wd40 and scourer out and found the marks under some rust. :)

I have a friend with a timing light so when we get together I'll check the timing. :)
I did get the wd40 and scourer out and found the marks under some rust. :)

I have a friend with a timing light so when we get together I'll check the timing. :)

If you get some silver or white touch up paint, put some over the marks and wipe with a rag to highlight them. Tipp-ex works as well.

This will make the marks much easier to see.
I'll dig some of the crap out the notches first with a watchmakers screwdriver to give the paint somewhere to sit.:)
Well on Friday I collected a nice cheap timing light I found on ebay and today checked and reset the timing.

It was set at 2 degree's BTDC so I adjusted it to 5 Degrees BTDC and its made a great difference. Power is better, I can drive carefully without feeling I am towing a jumbo jet, the power is more instant and its more like I alway thought it should be.

Also the noise I though was a tappng from a dogdy manifold has virtually dissapeared. It still a little noisy under load going up a steep hill but I can live with that.

Thanks for everyone who contributed to this thread. :beer:

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