
New Member
Hey all im new to the forum. Just bought a black 03 Freelander Kalahari td4 with 68k on the clock and full service history.

It was sort of an accidental buy basically me and my girlfriend were after a reliable(hopefuly), diesel, good looking car and after pondering A3's (too expensive or too old), Golfs (too common, and look a bit?) but in the end we decided we liked the Freelanders plus it will be perfect for towing my crosser about and we can put our terror of a dog in the boot!

I love the car/jeep whatever... but at 22 am i too young to own one?

Also any advice about what problems too look out for etc would be much appreciated!
Im 20 and own a freelander so i dont think your to young to drive one just depends how comfortable you are driving the freeander also insurance might be abit pricey other than that all cars have faults so just get it serviced from time to time i dont think you can predict problems just search the previous post to see what problems people have had then you know what to look out for also maybe you could join the A/A or rac incase you break down.
welcome to landyzone and good luck
Hi. Good choice because of TD4 engine at the mileage it's just about run-in.
Whether it's right for you is largely down to your lifestyle. When running correctly the TD4 Flanders are a very versatile and enjoyable vehicle. Search through the forum and list the common faults e.g VCU, MAF problems, Depression limiting valve filter blockage etc etc. Make a priority list and have these items checked. In other words spend the time now and get it all sorted then you can enjoy the Flander.
its just had a 72k service so hopefuly it should be sorted for a while, i do like it and the missus loves it, its looks stylish to. Plus my first car was a Renault 5 turbo and i still have my S2 RS Turbo in my garage (which restored over a few years but it must now unfortunately go as its just money sat there) and if i could put up with the reliability of those two cars this should be no problem!

The only real thing that concerns me is the gearbox, i should imagine they're mega bucks!How likely is it too break with normal road use?
your never too young to own a freebie.....

just dont ever call it a jeep!:D

is it a 3dr or a 5dr?

you cant go wrong wi a TD4 though.
Its debatable... but the Gaylander IS a Land Rover.. not a JEEP!! Not a 'proper' Land Rover like Deependers are.... but anyway. Post some piccies so we cun ave a shufty...
Andytd4auto its a 3dr, got the hardtop and half leather interior.

I will admit it is a bit girly, but it had to be something both me and my missus would like!

Will get picks up tomorrow!
there are mate "girly" you said it .......... now youve got a good case to buy a real mans landrover !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good choice m8.Dont listen to those tractor boys, there just interested in sheep and green wellies:p .You ve gone for the best bet with the td4, look after her and she will do the same to you. My td4 has done 160000 miles now with only a few small probs on the way. ENJOY.:)
I'm picking my freelander up on friday 3 door 2000 model td4 with 61,000 years ago i had a 1956 series 1 landrover that was more a hobby than a car but good fun anyway
AHEM!!! nuffinkwrong wiff the the td4 un L series gaylander. . . .best fookin 4x4 in its class,nuffink can touch it 38mpg road manners orft road ripper, nuffink gets close to it. . . .ok a fender but thets er orft road beast :eek: :p :D :)
I'm turning 22 this year and enjoy my 1999 Freelander 2.0 Diesel 5-dr, and so does my fianché, she loves driving it!;)

She just hates it when it brakes down from time to time.... :eek:
I've had my X plate Td4 ES for 2 weeks now. I downsized from a Disco Tdi, mainly because of fuel costs as I do a few miles.
Have to say I'm pretty impressed with it so far. Much easier to drive, more comfy, quieter, good performance and far better fuel economy. It tackled a local lane without any drama, although naturally it doesn't give the confidence off-road that the old Disco did. I've refrained from another local lane as I fear it will bottom out in the ruts and get stuck (the Disco used to get muddy diff casings).
The Flander is a compromise for me between a Disco and a normal car. I do miss the Disco for driving position, solidity and probably simplicity when it comes to repair time!
Welcome to the freebie owners section. TD4 is the one to have. What surprised me the most with mine is what an excellent motorway cruiser they are. 80mph all day long no probs and quieter than the mondeo i owned before it. Enjoy and have fun.
must admit the misses has an 02 flander. my disco is comfier to drive but the flander makes it feel bloody slow. love the flander on the motorway!
Not too young at all. If I remember correctly a recon gearbox is about £500. So not too bad, but then again you also have a Viscus coupling unit (VCU) (about £500) and if that fails it can take out the rear diff. Hope I am not scaring you, I would say its rare for them to go but you do read a fair few posts on here about them. But then again you dont get many people posting saying my VCU is working fine, as people simply dont post when all is going well.

Good Choice anyway. Great in summer with roof off.:D

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