
Well-Known Member
Was in London today with the family any ways went down a little road and past a private secure 3 or 4 car gated driveway.

Well parked in between 2 cars was a neglected but perfect pre face lift p38 had a flat o\s front tyre green slime on said tyre but it was mint with a private plate.

What a waste
One of the reasons I bought a P38 was the sheer number of them still about here in London. I think to myself 'they can't be that bad/hard to maintain for reasonable money if everyone is still using them'

Maybe this is naive but I haven't regretted buying mine.

There are also loads of P38s about here that people have stopped using for whatever reason - but haven't sold on possibly because the money they would get isn't worth the week long hassle they would have to 'endure' to sort out the sale (I know that seems mad but it is entirely true). I would always approach someone with a polite note under the wiper of a disused motor in London because if you can save people hassle, they will be willing to save you money.

3 roads down from me (in a much nicer road) there is an Aston DB6 slowly disintegrating. go figure!
don't judge a book by its cover?
be worth an offer of £100.

I bought a car like this many years ago and got it for 12.50!
I've had one for five years , last two it's only done a hundred miles , it will be a regrettable sale , but it has to go , maybe it's a p38 thing :)
Maybe its getting rid of something of relative luxury for pittance. Certainly if mine went boom I would be gutted to let it go for what it would be then worth.
I would suspect that most of these "laid up" ones have something the matter with them, probably most of the a flat battery. People with other cars cant be bothered to deal with it so they get left for months/years on end.

They are a bit of a chore to look after, between my other half and I we have 4 vehicles and the P38 takes more effort than the rest of them put together! However its a lovable beast and to quote Clarkson talking about a Quattroporte GTS "Owning this car is like owning a 2 year old child, it’s really annoying for a lot of the time but if someone tried to take it away from you you’d kill them"
They might have two P38s and the one you can see is just for spares, something im thinking about, got a polly tunnel round back of the garage would put it in there out the weather.
no this is a rich persons toy run about im thinking the new audi convertable next to it has replaced it. it has a private plate starting V8 so it was clearly loved at some point
I saw one near where I work (HK), just abandoned in a car park. It's common when people come to the end of a contract and leave. They can't be bothered to sell their old car, so they park it and remove the plates and licence and fly off home. Good interior, clean body. Yea, I know, book and covers! I'm going to take a closer look later this week, and stick a note on the windscreen. Over here they are not worth a cent, and this one will only be towed and scrapped.

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