Haveing a bad year o it so far!! Wife rang me at work, loud knocking sound from engine bay. A continous jack hammer as she put it. Sounds as though comeing from flywheel area...anyone any ideas as to what it might be? Clutch engages disengages fine, no other obvious indications than bloody loud hammering. Could clutch be the reason...timing belt...anything? if no ideas I guess I'll have to fork out to a garage.
does this thump increase wit engine speed? does it change when you press clutch pedal???is it differennt when you are moving?? is it in all gears??
come on gives us something to go on here!
OK, it's related o the speed of the engine, sounds as though same speed as flywheel, real heavey thump. Mrs Tim drove 10 miles with it!!! No noticeable reduction with clutch in or out or in gear or out. Have tried banging gear box about, transfer box about... but definately poorly. Lieing underneath the clutch/flywhell houseing sounds as though direclty above...from top of engine hard to locate noise...just done 60000 miles and havn't changed timeing belt though, could out of time cam shaft cause such noise?....ideas?... just cann't narrow the bugger down...can a fly wheel come loose?
i doubt its cam timing .yes a flywheel can come loose. i'm sure you know it hard to tell from this distance but my first thought was big end cap loose. i think if your flywheel was loose you notice some difference when you press the clutch pedal.
Dunno about landies but on any other vehicle I'd consider the clutch release bearing thingy. If it was a big end (ooh suits you sir) cap wouldn't 10 miles have trashed just about everything ??
ah! now see i said my first thought was big end.. i can't see how a clutch release bearing would make a thumpin sound.. maybe we need sound on here then we could have a better chance at getting it right
Oh well, RAC man reckons sound is at top of engine and might be injecters? Hope so as probably cheaper than anything else..so crossed fingers as it gets lowloeaded away to the rob git garage. Will put feed back later as to garage diagnoisis...probably something expensive and wrong!!!

Cheers for the comments and keep them comeing

Tim very sad with no defender
Hows it going? have you sussed it.

Only asking 'cos over the last few days mine has started a new rattle, first I thought it was tappets but it got louder then I thought transfer box, gearbox/clutch or propshafts, then I could here it when revving the engine stationary, then it got a bit louder and as you reached gear change revs it started whining.Noise is louder in the cab than under the bonnet, can't here it at all underneath the vehicle. Now I'm thinking Turbo.

On one hand it's an easy job but on the other not cheap!!!!!!!

Any one any thoughts?
OK update time, it was the number 4 big end bearing and it's also shagged the crankshaft! The cylinder has been washed by over fueling and it looks as though the extra pressure of compressing a too high % fluid took out the bearing...havn't the dosh for a new engine so am intending to rebuild my self. (when I can find the time!)

Reference Grunts snag, have you tried takeing off the fan belt just for a few minutes (no water pump so would lead to overheating) just to eradicate all the front end whirly bits? Try acccessing the turbo from the intake side and spin with finger and see if notchy or fluid in movement.

Bloody great new year!!!! Role on 2007!
Dunno about Landies but on some vehicles this can be done from underneath without taking the engine out. S'pose Haynes will know. Best of luck.

have you tried takeing off the fan belt just for a few minutes (no water pump so would lead to overheating) just to eradicate all the front end whirly bits?

I haven't ruled front whirley bits out yet especially as charge light was glowing on the way home from work one night last week. It's just that as far as I can tell the rattle is coming from turbo. I've not had any experience with turbos, out of habit I rev the engine as I switch it of, and rev it up as I start it, both no no's as I've recently found out! Will try the spinning it with finger trick though. Ta V much.
yet again my mechanic was right! big end! see told you so!
you'd be aswell whipping the engine out and doing a good job on it i.e make sure every thing else is ok and check oil pump and the like.

have you checked ebay for an engine?
The old rev before you stop ploy...

Great trick the boy racers do, rev there corsa's like nothing tomorrow, then turn off, of course the turbo keeps spinning at 5 trillion rpm without oil.

Always good to let the engine idle for a second or two after you have driven, especially if the engine has been going fast.

Another note, on start up reving bad as no good oil protection until the engine has been on for a bit, keep her slow. I always drive off for the first we bit with quick gear changes so the engine is not getting up to high revs.
ah but quick gear changes puts you in a higher gear so more strain on engine.
while i agree about about reving the bollocks off yer engine whether its hot or cold i would say the best way to deal with no oil at first startup would be to let it run for a few mins before starting off.
S'pose you think you're clever then.

In my defence your honour I wasn't thinking loud enough when jack hammers were mentioned.

Sound would definitely be an advantage. You could then listen to my tappetty whining, instead of just reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sussed out my turbo tappet rattle. The head to exhaust manifold gasket is blowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whilst I'm here has anyone moved the rocker cover breather to the turbo side of the air filter, and if so where did you get the fittings????????
Dunno what fittings that's what I want to know. It just needs a length of intake hose with a branch on it to take the breather hose I s'pose. Hey Iv'e just thought I could take the hoses of either side of the air filter and reverse them but no one's longer than the other so that wouldn't work.
ah ain't got a clue what y'awl mean.. am going on trip to town tomorrow so if i find a landy thingy i'll have a look.

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